
What type of stuff would my dad like?

by  |  earlier

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Every year i have no idea what to get my dad for birthdays and christmas and easter and stuff. he doesnt wear ties, so cant get him one of those, i dont really want to get him clothes.. and i cant afford stuff he does like. he is interested in electronics and stuff like that, but he either has what is cheap, or everything else is too much. my budget is usually around $20. any ideas?




  1. What about a poster of an actor/movie/sportsmen that he likes??

    or a dvd, you can get some for $20?

  2. dads are always like that

    accessories for his electronics

  3. Get him a book on electronics.

    Does he like to go have coffee someplace or go to dinner?

    How about a gift card for the movies?

  4. something cute and thoughtful. think of what he does everyday and get him somthing to make it easier. Like does he drop his phone or other gadgets? then get in a protective case. Does he lose teh keys? then get him a lost kep beeper thing. Just think of what he does daily and buy him something that would make it easier :)

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