
What type of terrorism is in ireland?????????????

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What type of terrorism is in ireland?????????????




  1. irish terrorism......

  2. We have moved on from those days thank you very much.

  3. None.  In Northern Ireland there were unionist and nationalist terrorist groups, but there is peace there now.

  4. mainly just random ex drug slum lords gettin lyk shot outside gyms....nothin serious....

  5. religious based between the catholics and protestants

    **Not sure why I'm getting thumbs down... my answer was truthful and yes terrorism has happened between these groups recently in Ireland.

  6. There is no terrorism in Ireland.

    There used to be terrorist groups - PIRA, RIRA, UVF, UDA etc who committed violence mostly in Northern Ireland. These groups came from within the nationalist/republican/catholic areas and unionist/loyalist/protestant areas. We've had approx 10 years of relative peace's great.

  7. You're probably getting the thumbs down Mike R because you're not specific enough ~ there's no evidence in your answer that you understand the political situation or even have a grasp of the geography of the island.    

    There were some incursions into the Republic of Ireland but the majority of violence took place in Northern Ireland between the various Catholic/Republican and Protestant/Unionist factions.  The Republican faction in Northern Ireland also committed acts of terrorism on the mainland, the UK.

  8. Was to do with religion - between Catholic and Protestant but much more peaceful times now!

  9. Alcholism

  10. The people wearing hoodies who rob yer runners

  11. there is none

    there was republican and unionist terrorism but there is none anymore

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