
What type of tests are done during pregnancy to make sure the baby is ok and healthy?

by Guest33461  |  earlier

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I have a appt tomorrow-10 1/2 weeks.




  1. blood work, to check for progestrone levels and hcg, a first ultrasound to see the heartbeat and measurment of baby.

  2. Ultrasounds and blood tests.  They do a blood test for genetic issues early on in the pregnancy, and then monitor the rest of the pregnancy through ultrasound.

  3. The types of tests that your doctor orders will depend on YOU and YOUR past history and medical conditions.  

    As a mimimum, your doctor will ask about any pre-existing conditions and medications that you are taking.  As others have said, there will likely be an ultrasound to check the babies heart rate and general development.

    Blood tests fall into 2 categories.

    There are basic tests which are done for all pregnant patients such as checking urine (to determine kidney function and to determine if the is a urinary tract infection), blood count (to check for anemia) and blood sugar (to evaluate for diabetes).

    Other tests will be ordered only if necessary based on your past history and any diseases that run in your family like cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia.

    Your doctor may also discuss screening tests for Down syndrome such as the MSAFP triple screen or the Nuchal translucency test.

    If you have any questions, ASK.  Your doctor will be glad to provide specific information.

  4. go to an ob gyne to be safe.. =)

  5. They'll draw your blood, do a sugar test, urine tests every time you go to the doctor. They should let you know what each of the blood tests are for. They also do ultrasounds and use the device that lets you hear the baby's heartbeat to make sure everything is normal. When they do the ultrasound at a certain point in your pregnancy, they'll take measurements of the baby's body and head, to make sure he/she is developing right. Some of the blood tests they give you check for down syndrome, and chromosone diseases. They check your urine for protein and sugar, to make sure you aren't developing gestational diabetes. Sometimes under special circumstances (If you are older than 35, have a history of down syndrome or other disabilities in your family, or they think something isn't right?, they'll ask if you want to have amniosynthesis done--that'w where they insert a needle into your amniotic fluid and draw some out for testing. Hope this helped! :)

  6. check out this site i never had any done just because i feel if your baby is going have problems then they will have them you just need to stay healthy and do what the doctor tells ya!  but here is a site of some of the test that can be done they are not necessary test just keep that in mind a lot of things can be detected though ultrasound

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