
What type of tetras should i get?

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or congo tetra

or if i can find them

bleeding heart tetras




  1. it all depends on the size of your tank. rummynoses will have to be in a tank that is 10-15+ gallons. glowlights will need the same amount, but 20+ gallons would be ideal. if possible, they will appreciate a tank that is at least 60cm long. congo tetras are the largest of the tetras, so would need a decent sized tank. bleeding hearts will need a mimum of 10 g's, just like the rummynoses and the glowlights.

    good luck :)

  2. How big is the tank you want to put them in?  For a 10 gallon, both the Congo and Bleeding Heart Tetras are out as they get quite large.  Neons and Cardinals would work, but tend to be very sensitive and die for little apparent reason.  Phantom Tetras ( ) are a personal favorite of mine and would work very nicely in a 10 gallon tank.

    EDIT: In a 200 liter tank, any of the Tetras are fair game.  As long as you get a solid school (in that tank, you'd have room for even a school of 10 Congos), it won't really matter which species you choose.  It all comes down to your personal preference, really.

  3. You have a lot to choose from with that size tank.

    The Congos are nice and so are the Bleeding Heart Tetras.

    I also like these kinds of tetras...

    Rummy nose

    Glowlight Tetra

    Blackskirt Tetra

    Buenos Aires Tetra

    Pristella tetra

    The Blackskirts can get a bit aggressive and nip the fins of other fish. In my experience, I haven't had this issue.

    Best of Luck!

  4. red phantom tetras are nice aswell as the congos i have both of them and they have a lot of colour.rummy nose tetras are also a nice fish they are silver with a red face and black and white tail. just make sure when you are buying the fish they dont have white spot.

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