
What type of theological notions do you sometimes discover in people...?

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even if it's in a form of parody of that notion? For instance, when you laugh at someone who suffers from the illusion that they are worthy of a higher level, that they are elected, predestined, chosen for, etc. a higher cause?




  1. I went to a karaoke bar tonight, I was amused at some who seemed to be suffering from the illusion that their voice was capable of reaching a higher level. Of course we all applauded & told them they were great.

    Liars! How cruel to feed their delusion, if the feedback one receives from reality is largely misinformation, there is little to calibrate your intuition upon. I am almost level seven :)      

  2. We are all greater than we imagine. It's when one thinks others aren't great that he creates problems.

  3. The higher the notion that some people have of themselves, the more they appear to believe that they are more worthy, the farther they have to fall when their secrets are discovered.

  4. that their wizard is superior to all other wizards

  5. I met a guy online once who said that all fossils were made by man to deny the existence of God.

    I asked, "You mean the ones I personally found too?"

    He said ,"Yes."

    This is a Philosophical and irrational, anti-scientific position -- based on nothing, attempting to please an imaginary deity.

    Other than that, it's quite reasonable.

  6. That their egos are bigger than the faith they attest to.  Evangelists, for example, love their position as much as or more than their faith.

  7. Someone who has FAITH in God believes that he is worthy of a higher level, that they are elected, chosen by a higher cause which is God.

    the word 'illusion' itself denotes one's disbelief of a higher cause.

    I find this theological notion that some others who call others 'brother' are the ones who do a lot of despicable crimes:drugs, killing, selling weapons etc. They go to church, sing praises even in their SUV's stereo you could hear them singing, but they look down upon everyone for the main reason that they are just avenging what happened to them a century wayback.

    How can they love God and yet be the first to hurt others who are not their 'brothers'.

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