
What type of things would you do to help stop global warming? Stop driving? Stop polluting? Other? Dont care?

by Guest33136  |  earlier

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Its for a history project, i have to make a website about global warming... feel free to check it out

its not finished yet... not even close but it'll be done by June.. thanks [:




  1. There are ways to prevent global warming from getting worse. Recycle, car pool, use cars that use ethanol, and stop polluting. There are many ways to prevent and try to stop it. It would take alot of years to stop global warming and repair the ozone layer.

  2. Until we figure out how to control the sun there is nothing that humans can do about global warming except get used to it.

  3. I'm willing to go to war against my fellow "lungers"...especially the ones who wish to use this natural climate cycle to strip me and my family of our liberty and freedoms.

  4. I don't have anything to contribute b/c I think "global warming" is a crock of BS.  It's something they're doing to control us, pretty soon there will be all kinds of things legislated that we HAVE to do to "save the planet", or we'll be in violation and thrown in jail or something.    And the fact that you have to do a project in school about it is further proof...they're brainwashing your generation.

  5. -walk, ride or bike

    -car pool

    -use canvas instead of plastic

    -recycle, reduce, reuse

    -plant a tree

  6. There is no such thing as global warming. Genesis 8:22 refutes that.

  7. Sweetie, why should we think that it would be good to attempt to stop Global Warming?  It might be bad to do such a thing.  Just think what temperature the earth might be if past generations had tried to cool the planet.  A similar increase in temperature (half a degree) occurred from 1910 to 1940.  During the next forty years, there was concern that the earth was going into an ice age.  There is no real evidence humans have any affect on the temperature of the earth.  Climate changes are part of nature, and humans are part of nature, too.  However, it would be great if everybody would moderate their consumption and provide assistance to hungry people.

  8. You should watch a documentary called "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

    Schools hammering it into your head and now you have to make a history project on it?  HISTORY?!  Shouldn't history be about great wars past and such, not about current bullcrap?

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