
What type of training i have to do to land better and harder punches?

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What type of training i have to do to land better and harder punches?




  1. You can buy wrist weights and air punch because all the weights make your hand feel heavy and then when you take off the weights you feel so light that you punch fast. Before you buy wrist weights check up on how it may affect you like it may give you wrist pains when your older I'm not sure if they give you wrist pain but just in case check it up!

  2. Here are the basic theories you must understand to punch hard:

    Speed is not Power - Power is acceleration. Power is not only speed, but you must have a force (or a weight) behind that speed.

    Move Your Body - Like Bruce Lee's theory behind his famous one-inch punch: moving your whole body one inch hits much harder than moving your arm one foot. You must move your entire body to get the maximum force (weight) behind that punch.

    Use Your Legs - The biggest muscles in your body will generate the most power. Use your legs, your back, your chest, your torque muscles, your abs, and finally - your arms. People who think of the arms first will NEVER throw their best punch.

    Stay Inside Your Range - Your strongest punch is not when your arms are fully out-stretched. Your best is a bit shorter than your full range of motion. Don't over-reach!

    Use the Angles - Punching from different angles will give your punches more power, more punching opportunities, and more damage on your opponent.

    Flow Of Energy


    They are spread on the ground a little wider than shoulder width. When in doubt, always spread your feet a little wider to lower your base (for power only!).

    Your back foot is always standing on its ball. The heel of the back foot is always lifted.

    When punching, the feet must pivot, point, and push in the direction of the punch.

    When you throw multiple punches, your feet will pivot back and forth pushing in different directions as you throw different punches.

    When you throw a right handed punch, the right heel is lifted while the left foot is flat; the opposite is true when you throw a punch from the left hand.

    Your feet never leave the ground when you throw a power punch.


    Knees are always bent.

    During the punch, your legs are springing up slightly as they twist the body in the direction of the punch.


    Turn your hips. Spin them into your opponent as if you were punching your opponents with your hips.


    Your torso should rotate as much as possible and spin the punch out from your shoulders.

    A full rotation with short arm extension hits harder than a small rotation with full arm extension.

    Don't learn forward. Don't try to reach, rotate instead!

    Your chest is breathing out and you are exhaling when you throw the punch.

    Your back remains stiff and alert as you recover from the punch.


    Your shoulders are generally LOOSE but there will be times when you must stiffen your shoulders to keep your defense intact.

    When you throw high punches, you can try to lift your shoulders a little to protect your head from counters.


    Your arms start relaxed.

    As the punch is thrown, your arms spring out towards your opponent extending just enough to hit your opponent.

    Don't over-extend or else you'll get countered.

    Learn to stop your hooks early when you miss or else you'll get countered.

    Do not pull your fist back right before a punch. This is called, "telegraphing" and allows experienced fighters to counter-punch you.


    Your hands are relaxed when you are not punching. You can make a loose fist but don't clench it.

    When you punch, that fist transforms into a brick as your deliver it to your opponent.

    Your glove starts at your face and ends at your face.

    Your turn your first over for straight punches, but your fist can stay vertical when you swing a left hook to the body or throwing pivot left hooks.


    Your eyes are 100% alert. You watch the target as you hit it but you also keep your peripheral open to counter punches.

    Your chin is tucked down a little so that it's covered a bit by the shoulder on your punching arm. (A low hook punch won't cover your chin though.)

    You can lean your head just a little into the punch but don't fall into it.

    Your head is constantly moving from side to side as you throw punches. (Watch Mike Tyson's videos.)

    Everything I just described is called the flow of energy. You want to feel the energy traveling through your entire body from the feet to the fist. If one part of the body is lazy or feels uninvolved, you need to train harder to make that part of your body an active participant in the punch.


    Learn the distance of all your punches. Do it again with a quick front foot step. Try to keep your punches WITHIN this range.

    Punching too close or too far of a distance diminishes your power.


    Stepping forward quickly will make this punch much stronger.

    Extend your fist all the way and lift that front shoulder a little to really stab your opponent with this jab punch.

    Don't lean forward when you throw this punch, save that momentum for your right cross.

    Straight Right or Right Cross

    Body rotation, body rotation, body rotation.

    The ABSOLUTE best aim for this punch is not in front of you. I'll tell you where it is; do this: extend your jab out as if you were to jab someone. Really straighten out that left arm all the way and hold it. Now imagine your op

  3. In this sport muscles isn't the answer, speed is.

    The quicker you throw a punch the harder the impact will be, you basically have to work on the mechanics of good reaction time.

  4. Heavy bag training and pad work.

    with heavy bag, you get more resiliency with your punches on impact.

    Pad work helps with accuracy ,speed and footwork.

  5. to punch better you have to practice punching. it is important to cross train as well with exercise such as pull-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, etc but the main thing is to work on boxing itself go tom and work with a trainer a gym

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