
What type of tree grows in clay, grows a lot the first few years and needs little water?

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I need a tree type that grows well in dry conditions in clay. It also needs to grow a noticeable amount in the first three years of like and will eventually provide lots of shade.




  1. I like the look of an Ash tree.

    White Ash Fraxinus americana. Native. It can tolerate drought, poor drainage, clay, and low temperature plus it has amazing Fall color, it goes a sort of blended, tonal purple red that glows with color. The leaves are small & compound so are easy to clean up especially with seedless varieties of white ash such as ‘Rosehill’ or ‘Autumn Purple’. The tree is only moderately rapid growing though it does get a pleasing oval shape very young. Does not mind winter wet if the soil has drainage but does not like very hot, prolonged dryness like the south west offers. This tree is used a lot as a city sidewalk tree in Seattle.

    The introduced Lacebark Elm (Ulmus parvifolia)  is fast-growing and hardy.The tree makes a handsome ornamental with showy bark.

    Either the Pin Oak (Quercus palustris) or the Willow Oak (Quercus phellos) offer fast growth with a well shaped tree.

    Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis. This is a thornless cultivar, with small leaflets that do not require raking. This make it a very popular street side tree. It is a bright yellow in fall. This one is the fastest growing and a bit safer to be around than most poplars. Bees love this tree, in June when it blooms it hums. It is also fragrant.

    The problem with fast growing trees is they drop limbs.

  2. 1. no tree gro if its 2 dri...yu gotta water it

    2. & klae is bad for all plants.

    3. A tree that gro fast is a weed tree & tend tu hav week branches so wen it get big, wind or storms kauz branches tu brake off.

    4. If yu want a shade tree, get a kood tree & water it.

    5. Yu gotta weree bout klimate weerever yu R.  If in north, its 2 kold for sum tipes.

    Tri a lokal nersery tu get sumthang adapted tu the klimat.

  3. Here are a lot of trees that are well suited to dry soils. They're also hardy in different zones. What area do you live in? Dry is a very broad term so I'd really have to know what zone you were in to suggest a specific tree.

    I don't know of any trees that will grow in clay soil very fast. It's hard for roots to permeate the soil and create an anchor for a tree so until it can the tree won't be able to grow very tall or it'll fall over.

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