
What type of trees are cut in lumbering?

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what are the type of trees cut in lumbering which is done in canada?




  1. softwood lumber also known as conifers for the most part

    The Muse

  2. Trees like Pine ,Spruce, Deodar.Chinar.Silver oak etc. are used which r soft wood & light in weight easily beaten into pulp found in coniferous forest.

  3. "The forestry company looks for a section of land which can be legally cut and then seeks a lease for the land or ownership of the land.  Once the forestry company has obtained the section it then does a complete survey of the property to determine the full range of trees, types, size, location. ..."

    To the person above me:

    He's asking about lumbering in Canada, not in Armenia.

  4. The easy answer is soft wood.  Your coniferous trees (pines, spruce, tamarack and cedar) are the main trees in Canada that are harvested.

    This is why you always hear about the Canadian-American Softwood lumber deals etc.

  5. Armenia's forests and urban green spaces barely survived the energy crisis of the early 1990s. Fifteen years later the nation’s forests are again under threat, this time from illegal logging, corruption and the lucrative trade in lumber.

    Non Governmental Organizations engaged in environmental problems say that while focus was centered on damage from the energy crisis (1992-93), greater damage has been done to the forests of Armenia since a market for lumber emerged afterwards.

    “The forest cuttings started spontaneously in the 90s,” says Hakob Sanasaranyan chairman of Armenia’s Union of Greens. “Then they became systemized and then powerful statesmen took the monopoly of cutting forests in their hands. From provinces that had abundant trees, firewood began being imported to the Ararat valley for sale. That is how the inhuman exploitation of forest began.”

    Today, trees in the republic’s three most heavily forested areas – the Tavush and Lori regions in the northeast, and south-eastern Syunik – are being cut at such a brisk pace that World Bank and environmentalists predict the landscape will be denuded in 20 to 30 years.

    According to the “Hyeantar” SCJSC (State-run closed joint stock company) the last records of the forests in Armenia were done in 1993, when the massive illegal cuttings were still ahead. (“Illegal” is defined as cutting trees without a license, or over-cutting, in the case of commercial use.)

    According to the latest data -- which is 13 years old – Armenia has 334,100 hectares of trees – 11.2 percent of total coverage.

    Environmental NGO Armenian Forests’ research shows that Armenia is losing some 1 million cubic meters of trees annually from illegal logging – equivalent to about 8,000 hectares of forests.

    According to Zhirayr Vardanyan, head of Forestry Studies at Yerevan Agricultural Academy, 28 to 30 percent of Armenia should be covered in forests.

    Chief Forest Supervisor of Armenia Ruben Petrosyan says the last forest-planting in Armenia took place in 1988-1989.

    “In the 1980s seeding was significant; it is witnessed by the size of artificial forests – nearly 50,000 hectares,” Petrosyan says. “In those years there were almost no illegal cuttings. First, there was no energy problem. Trees were rotting. Besides, there was no demand for wood.”

    Now, 47 percent of Armenian forests are considered “middle age”; 26.3 percent are mature. Only 10.6 percent are young trees.

    Experts say the low percentage of young forests is evidence of unsatisfactory natural restoration, as certain types of types of trees have brought to the edge of extinction.

    As a result, not only the density, but the makeup of the Armenian forest has changed.

    Natural seed restoration is especially inadequate in oak forests, where undesirable changes of species are taking place. Oaks, for example, are being replaced by hornbeams, a type of beech. The phenomena is noticeable particularly in Syunik province. A former forestry supervisor there, Vladik Martirosyan, says diversity of the forests has been severely impacted.

    “Trees that are very important for reproduction are cut today. That is, the cutting takes place not for sanitary purposes or occasionally, but selectively. That means they choose what is expensive,” says Sanasaryan.

    Cutting of oak as well as Greek walnut is prohibited in Armenia (these two types are most expensive and the Greek walnut is registered in the Red Book as endangered). According to a law adopted last year, violators of the forestry code can be fined up to 50,000 drams (about $112) per illegal cutting.

    The Head of World Wild Life Fund Armenian office Karen Manvelyan illustrates Sanasaryan’s claim with an example.

    “Last year the pine-tree forests of Stepanavan – considered to be a preserve – were cut. The head of the village administration was charged, but he was backed, naturally, by officials – just as in all cases of large-scale logging. Besides it is beyond doubt that the greater part of illegal cutting cases is never disclosed,” says K. Manvelyan.

    “The once verdant forests have either turned into brushwood or have totally been exterminated,” says Vladik Martirosyan, a former forestry official and ex-director of the Shikahogh Forest Reserve in southern Armenia. “A forest is a whole condominium – if there are no trees, the fauna and the water will be extinguished.”

    Chief Supervisor Petrosyan does not deny that Armenian forests are damaged. But he insists the situation is not catastrophic.

    “As in all countries, it is impossible to immediately stop the cuttings because they are directly connected with the social-economic condition of the country, employment and the living standards of people,” he says. “But today the illegal cuttings are not massive.”

    Illicit trade

    The demand for wood is driven by a multimillion-dollar lumber export business. According to the Republic of Armenia's Statistical Service, in 1999 slightly more than one ton of lumber was exported from Armenia. By 2003, wood exports topped 10 tons

    Armenia’s ties with furniture-producing countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, Italy, etc. have become stronger, the demand has grown, and Armenia has types of trees, oak and Greek walnut, for example, for which demand is high.

    The appetite for lumber has led to corruption, according to current and former forestry officials interviewed by ArmeniaNow.

    "As a rule the large-scale tree cuttings take place with the participation of the representatives of the forestry agencies," says Rafik Andreasyan, who was head of the republic's forestry agency in the Kapan region in 2003 and 2004, and also a former deputy mayor of Kapan.

    "It is unambiguously that way, because you need either documents with false permission or you need to act secretly. In both cases the mediation of someone from inside is necessary. Those kind of things happened also during my administration and I have fired some officers myself and later criminal cases were brought to action against them."

    Petrosyan says low salaries for forestry regulators make them vulnerable to bribery.

    "There are many cases when the forest supervisors themselves take part in the illegal cuttings," Petrosyan says. "Before 2003 the monthly salary of the forest keepers was 6,000 drams (about $15) that of the forest supervisors and the director heading the forestry of 40,000 hectares was 13,000 (about $25) and 20,000 drams (about $40) respectively. In those conditions it was inevitable that the supervising people would be involved in the business of illegal cuttings."

    Martirosyan, the former forestry official and ex-director of the Shikahogh Forest Reserve, says he resigned to protest corruption.

    "I can recall the times of my incumbency I was told they will give me the keys for a BMW immediately if I permit cutting eight Greek walnut trees in the Kapan forests. I went mad. I spit upon my position, wrote a resignation letter and left," Martirosyan says.

    The former Shiakhogh director says Greek walnut, an endangered tree, and oak are in demand and bring top dollar – about $800 or more per cubic meter for processed wood – in markets in Europe, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey and Iran.

    Beech tree and hornbeam, abundant in trees in the forests of Tavush, Lori and Syunik regions, are also popular trees for lumber exports.

    All the best :)

  6. dog wood

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