
What type of truck is best for bio-diesel? and how can I a make bio-diesel mini plant.?

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I live in Puerto Rico so the weather is warm. I prefer to get a pick up or suv. What type of modifications does the truck need to run on bio-diesel?




  1. Check and make sure the injector pump will handle it. Some style pumps won't(981/2-02dodge cummins for example) function properly. True bio-diesel needs no conversion whatsoever and can be mixed with petro-diesel, DON'T mix oil and diesel in the same tank, voice of experience.

  2. Go to

    Read all about it there... No refinerys, no lye, nothing...

    I am not a seller, but merely someone trying to help..

  3. convert the engine,and save money.

  4. You need no mods to run any diesel on bio. Living PR it is warm enough you could put strait vegetable oil in your tank and drive on that. its free and smells good. i run my car and lawn mower on strait waste vegi oil. look it up, very easy, almost no mods to most vehicles.

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