
What type of vocabulary should a 3 year old have?

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My son just turned 3 and still doesn't speak very well. He just now is starting to try and communicate with us he mumbles and rambles a lot but I can't quite understand him. He's never been to daycare and is home with me all day. I don't know if its maybe something I'm not doing or if he'll just learn at his own pace. should I worry or just let him come around on his own?




  1. he should have well over 100 words that you can understand  and be speaking in 3-4 word sentences. You should be able to understand at least 50-75% of what he says. If this is not the case you should have him evaluated by the local school system. If they determine that he needs speech therapy he can go to special needs preschool and get it for free.

    it may be something simple such as just needing help being clear and not "slushy" when he talks. it could also be something a little more complicated such as apraxia or aphasia, like my son. My son will be 3 in november and has only really been talking a few months. I am home with him all the time and still need him to sign so I can understand what he says some of the time.

    I do have some resources available to me if you are interested. I can tell you some of the oral-motor things they look for in tests. I can also tell you some of the things they do to improve problems, and I can send you copies of some of the materials they use with my son.

    forget CNBC and all that stuff. My son learned so much by having PBS and Noggin on in the background while he plays. he could say his ABCs and count to 10 before he could say his own name. Knew most of his colors too.

  2. he should know lots of words, put 3-4 words together in sentences. Do you speak to him all day? sing? read? all those activities help develop language.

  3. every child is different.  i know a two year old who had the language skills of a 6-8 year old, that is because his parents talk a lot using proper language and he is also around adults a lot.  if you want him to talk more, maybe leave on a tv station like msnbc or cnn because those stations have a lot of talking on it.  try talking to him and make him answer questions that you ask.  if you're really concerned you can go to a speech pathologist who can help him talk and pronounce words correctly.  

  4. Did he have his three year checkup yet? What did the pediatrician say? If he hasn't gone in yet, ask.

    I don't remember what happened at my daughter's appt. She's 3.5 and was a very late talker, but she was speaking in mini sentences when she turned 3.

    The thing is, is he improving and learning? That's what our pediatrician was more concerned with. My daughter was consistently delayed, but she always caught up. So I'd look at it in terms of, has your son's speech gotten better over the past six months?

    I wouldn't be too worried if he seems to be learning.

  5. my son is about to turn 2 and still doesnt say anything but mom, dad, and spongebob..haha. anyway allthe people ive spoken with have told me taht every child is different and develop differently and that as long as the child is doing good at everything elso than he/she sould be fine. just a late bloomer. (also boys usually start later than girls) but, if you do think your son is slow at other things as well, then just mention it to your doctor and see what he has to say, because it may be something wrong with his ears or something..

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