
What type of water do I use for my hamster?

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I live in Texas and was wondering if I can use normal tap water or if I should use bottled water? Thanks!!! =)




  1. Use regular tap water, that's what I use, and use press packed premium pine bedding. I use both of these and my hamster is really healthy.

  2. I started out using tape water but once I starated using batteled water he drank more so I think botteled water is best.  Hamsters can not have pine or seeder bedding because it gives them upper respitory problems! So i like to use care fresh bedding, and if your hamster has sesitive skin get the ultra   oh by the way it is also extra obsorbent bedding!

  3. i think it would be best if you use bottle water! :) p.s i have a hammy 2

  4. Is the water safe and okay for your family to drink?  My personal rule is, if I won't drink the water myself, I won't give it to my pets either.  I drink bottled because my tap water at home is very heavily chlorinated.  So, my pets - including my guinea pigs - drink bottled water as well.

    As far as bedding - I recommend Carefresh.  I have also used Softsorbent and I like that as well, but since hamsters love to burrow, Carefresh would be much better.

  5. As long as your tap water is safe enough for you to drink, it's safe for your hamster. I use tap water for my gerbils, and I drink the same water. I've never had a problem with it. If you really want to, though, you could use bottled, I suppose.

    I think the most popular bedding among hamster owners is carefresh. It's a wood pulp product and is pretty good. I think most hamsters do well on carefresh, so you could try that out.

  6. tap water should be just fine :)

  7. I prefer to give my animals bottled or filtered water since it takes out some of the impurities in tap water.

    Never use pine or cedar bedding, they are bad for your animal's health. Aspen and Carefresh are good ones.

  8. the chemicals in tap water isnt great for them. use bottled water. i use carefresh.

  9. Normal tap water, and i use pine bedding

  10. tap water is fine. and carefresh is the best bedding but what ever you do DONT get pine or cedar. the fumes can kill them!  :(

  11. Normal Tap Waters Fine. Just Let It Run For 20 Seconds Before You Start To fill It Up!  

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