
What type of weed is this?

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There is a certain type of weed, which grows from under fences, stones, and side of the house and I don't know how to get rid of it. It is thorny on the stem, with spikey looking leaves and grows really fast. At the moment I just keep cutting them back. any ideas?




  1. It is a thistle. My crazy neighbor grows them for the fluffy purple flower that I have to admit is rather different and showy.


  2. take a dandelion weeder and a trowel and dig deep into the dirt around the plant and get it at the root. Spray weed killer in there too. That should solve your problem in no time.

  3. Those are awful.  You will have to dig them out by the root - just use a trowel.  Make sure you wear gloves.  You can also use a product called Round-up.  It comes in a spray bottle.  Make sure that you protect any plants that you want to keep before you use it.  

  4. They sound like brambles, if they are they spread fast.

    I used tree stump killer watered down in a watering can and sprinkled all over them to kill them and once dead you need to dig out the roots.

  5. Sounds like Thistle.

  6. Round up

  7. i have those too. try weed killer

  8. Don't know the type, but Round-Up will kill them.  Available at any home center.

  9. It is hard to know what weed this is by reading your description. How tall is the weed? Does it ever flower. How large are the leaves? Is the stem woody or green?

    That said, pulling it out, or digging around it and getting it out by the root should work. Round Up is effective on many weeds, but this is a general herbicide meaning that it will kill any living plant it touches. It will kill your good plants and weeds alike.  

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