
What type of workouts should i be doing to run faster?

by  |  earlier

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i want to step up my soccer skills and i need to speed up.




  1. weights wont even help that much..just sprint..that is all you need to do

  2. speed drills. Run really really fast for two minutes. Then stop and walk for 2 minutes. Repeat.

  3. Weightlifting will help if your lifting with the right muscles. Your calves might make a little difference as well as your glutes but if you're going to lift your main focus should be on stregthening your rotator cuffs and hip flexors. These are the two most important muscles in running, because you can only pump your arms as fast as your legs move, and the other way around. So try to get help figuring how to strengthen those up!

  4. Do hits jog for for 10 seconds build up your speed then sprint the rest for 10-15 seconds in sets of 10. That should tire you out pretty fast

  5. Hello,

    The best exercise to run faster is actual running.  Add some slow distance, intervals, hills, and tempo runs.  The weight training is good for strengthening, but it won't make you faster.  Good luck!

    - Mike

  6. Plyometrics

  7. run every day for about 30 minutes--practice long distance running and short sprints. doing something repetitavely will help you improve. also, instead of *just* running, focus on how you can change things--pay attention to your breathing and how large your steps are. then the next day, try to change it a little and see if you improve. good luck!

  8. do some strength speed drills like tie an old tire behind you and do a 6 second burst...this will improve explosion speed like when you need to catch up to someone and make you all around faster and also good stamina is a key to running fast so you might want to jog daily

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