
What type of worm is destroying my tree?

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There are black fury caterpillars/larvae eating the leaves of my pecan tree, can any one answer what type of larvae they might be?




  1. it depends on what kind of tree u have

  2. They are tent caterpillars.  Here's a site that describes them and their methods of control.  Good luck!

  3. When the caterpillars build their web-nests, I burn them out with a long bamboo pole that has a diesel fuel soaked rag wrapped around the tip with baling wire. Be careful, do it on a calm day and burn the ones that fall on the ground or they will climb right back up the trunk. If you cannot reach the top of the tree, don't worry about them. They will not kill the tree or harm the pecans.

    There is a spray that can do the job, but most people do not have a spray rig that will reach the top of the tree. Maybe your local nursery has a rig you can rent. Ask.

  4. Given that there are a few species of furry web-worms that love Pecan trees. I would recommend you capture a few and take them to your local nursery for a consult with the nurseries' entomologist (that's a bug person).

    Most furry web-worms wind up as moths, very few make butterflies.

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