
What type of yugioh deck should i make?

by  |  earlier

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i like supernatural things as well as magic based things have any suggestions

and if you do please list the monsters spells traps etc...




  1. a go get a life deck seems cool

  2. Dragon. I can give you a good deck list if you want.

  3. this is how you should make your yugioh deck!

    Alright, first of all, make a theme to the deck, i have figured out that decks without themes in it,( having random good/strong cards) dont get very far. regular beatdown decks, dont get very far also. you need a theme that suits you, and cards that help each other. also, you want to keep up with the metagame. making decks that can withstand meta decks. meta decks, are the top decks of this yugioh generation, including: Dark Armed Dragon, Six Samurai, Lightsworn, Gladiator Beast, etc......

    ok, now that you've found a theme to your deck. limit it to only 40 cards, or in between 40-45 cards.

    why is this, because the less cards in your deck, you have a higher probability of drawing a good card, that you may need, or want. 23 monsters, and 17 magic/trap would work very well. or 22-18.

    ok now when choosing cards:

    monster cards:

    you want 4 star monsters or lower, and very few tribute monsters. and you're going to want to choose cards that have good affects, that help along with your deck.

    jinzo is a great tribute monster to have, if you have very few trap cards. and your level 4 or lower monsters, you will want them to have good effect as well, such as fairy lily injections. or D.D warrior/ warrior lady.


    when choosing your spells/magic cards, you're going to want cards that help out your monsters, and also help keep the enemy away,

    such as: is you have monsters that are level 3 or lower, and are very consistent in your deck, you will want to have Level Limit- Area B.

    Trap cards:

    same goes with trap cards, you want to keep your enemy away from your lifepoints, and help out your monsters!

    such as: mirror force,

    now you also want trap cards that will enable your opponent to summon such as: trap hole, Bottomless traphole, acid traphole

    and you want cards stopping opponents cards!

    to defeat trap cards, you can use Royal Decree. but only use it if you have few traps ion your deck.

    to defeat 1 trap or magic card, dark bribe is a great card, the only side effect is that, in lets your opponent draw an extra card.

    one of the strongest trap cards to me would be: Solemn Judgment! it can stop the summon of a monster, the activation of a trap card, and the activation of a spell card.


    you can look up the banned/limited card list online, and make sure you try not to use any of them if you are going to play in official games, and tournaments. if you do,m you will be automatically disqualified.

    now that you have all this information, you will can create a deck, with a theme consisting of 40-45 cards,

    i hope this really helps!

    good luck!

  4. if you lookin for power get beasts,warriors,and dinosaurs.if you want good effects get spellcasters

  5. get an elemental hero deck.

  6. I've got the PERFECT deck for you. Since you like supernatural things, you'll love this deck based on the supernatural wonderwoman Yubel.

    Monsters (22)

    3x Armageddon Knight

    2x The Calculator

    2x Doom Shaman

    2x Mystic Tomato

    2x Yubel

    1x Yubel – Terror Incarnate

    1x Yubel – the Ultimate Nightmare

    1x Dark Dust Spirit

    1x Morphing Jar

    1x Sangan

    1x Snipe Hunter

    1x Inaba White Rabbit

    1x Deep Diver

    1x Jain, Lightsworn Paladin

    1x D.D. Crow

    1x Exiled Force

    Spells (9)

    1x Foolish Burial

    1x Swing of Memories

    1x Monster Reborn

    1x Heavy Storm

    1x MST

    1x Wave-Motion Cannon

    1x Reasoning

    1x Shield Crush

    1x Brain Control

    Traps (9)

    2x Dark Illusion

    2x Limit Reverse

    2x Soul Rope

    1x Birthright

    1x Torrential Tribute

    1x Metal Reflect Slime

    Total Cards: 40

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