
What types make up a good pokemon team?

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What types make up a good pokemon team?




  1. water-ground, gastrodon

    fire-fight, infernape

    electric, luxray

    normal-flying, staraptor

    grass-ice, adomasnow

    dragon, any legendary pokemon like dialga or palkia

  2. water because there are not very many electric pokemon  

  3. In my opinion to have a well blanced team you need types that are strong aginast their weaknesses as well. Such as Swampert. He is water but can learn ice attacks and is ground at the same time. So doesn't really have a weaknes if he is strong enough. But base your team around the same type but with strengthsn. and if you want to challenege yourself. Don't go with any legendaries cuz it doesn't take skill to use them. I ve been with pokemon since it first came out. Im a master.

  4. luxray     lucario       gastrodon      roserade      any fire type/starter


  5. One in one of the catogories

    steel rock gound

    elecric grass

    phychic dark ghost

    water ice

    dragon flying

    fire fighting

    All of those are similar types with similar strenghts and weakness if you cross these catogies you risk having a major party weakness

  6. dragons

  7. It would be good if you have a water,fire,electric and legendary.  

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