
What types of???? 10 points?

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what types of jobs would the poor people do when the vikings envaded them?? What job would the mum dad and the son aged four do .





  1. Please ignore the fools who have given silly answers. Try this site which has a section for Vikings and one for the Anglo-Saxons (those were the English who were invaded). It has other interesting sections too.

  2. what? When the vikings like enslaved them? They would be doing all the dirty work, I guess. Like taking care of the animals, fetching water, clean and things like that....

  3. hmmm...i thinks they are used for all the dirty works of vikings..

    and for loading things...for their transportation...

  4. The father would have a viking stamp (tattoo) put on his forehead, and then everyone from then on out would know that he'd been "pwnd" by the viking clan. They would have him repair their ships before they sailed elsewhere. After the vikings were gone, the forehead stamp was a sign of dishonor, and no one would want to marry him except other guys with viking stamps. So often times, these viking stamp men would end up in homosexual relationships with each other. Their wives had been either sold into prostitution or kept on the ship as viking servants (doing the washing up, etc., like that other girl said). The 4 year old kid would be adopted by the viking clan, and he himself would grow up to be a great viking. Hope that helps.

    PS. That whole thing was one huge lie.

  5. People did whatever jobs they did back then.  the vikings did go on raids and they loved to fight, but they weren't barbarians like most people think.  If you want to learn more about vikings, then study norse mythology, cause the vikings were norse.  All the vikings did was raid villages and take some supplies then leave.  And it wasn't just poor people, it was everybody.

  6. Women Would Tidy Up Do The Washin Up Yuu Know Kinda Like Slaves.

    * For 10 Points =]

  7. they would do all the work they normally did and pay the Vikings taxes in either precious metal or in crops,if they needed some dirty work done they would just pick on who ever was around to do it and then send them back when the job was done.If they pulled all the farmers from the fields then no one to tend the crops and the Vikings would have no food source from their conquests.So it makes sense to leave the peasants to do what they did best

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