
What types of CM do you experience during an anouvlatory cycle?

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I think I might be having an anovulatory cycle.

What types of cervical mucus patterns are common throughout an anouvlatory cycle?




  1. During an anovulatory cycle you can get all the various types of CM - but often you'll notice that you get multiple patches of fertile mucus making you think that you are approaching ovulation.   However, it will go back to creamy or sticky.    If you are tracking your temperatures too, you'll see the fertile mucus but you won't see the temperature rise.

    That being said, you see the same pattern if you ovulation has been delayed for some reason.     I had that 2 cycles ago, when I saw all the right signs, then family came to stay right as I was about to ovulate and my kids left my deep freezer door open and I lost lots of $$ with all my frozen meats & vegies, so got really stressed.    A week later, the fertile mucus came back and I ended up ovulating on day 26.

    Good luck.

  2. I got this site from someone on here and it is great, it explains everything about mucus in great detail

  3. Some women feel a pinch in the stomach, sharp and quick. I know i do. I also know i am more turn on toward my hubby during that time. Your mucus is suppose to be thick and raw egg white discharge happens. Not sure about other women

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