
What types of Discrimination(s) should be focused on more?

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So we had a talk the other day at school. The topic was Racism. Being in the multi-cultural community we are, it's not unusual that this was brought up. Gender, Religion, Culture, and Race were all covered.

But I was surprised that medical and intellectual discrimination were not mentioned, nor were sexuality, appearance, and political beliefs and financial discrimination. I see people picked on because their family is from a poor background and gets government support, or suppose they're 'fat' or 'skinny'. Or suppose a bunch of students are questioning another's sexuality and really play it up. The last one is actually common in my school, except the teachers don't notice it and it's regarded less than say, racism.

I suppose the ones I mentioned aren't as significant in the general eye, probably because the issues related aren't as big or noteworthy, but we can't say they don't happen, can we?

And, do you consider bullying to be a form of discrimination as well? Although, I suppose some will ask 'but under what category/umbrella? Suppose you had a terrible cough and everyone else in class was making fun of you, and the teachers were telling you to 'keep your germs outside in the hallway' how would you react? I shouldn't say this is discrimination though. Just some thoughts.




  1. well, being against discrimination based on s*x, race, ethnicity, religion is well grounded in the laws of our country.  so it's pretty much agreed.

    those other things are not yet codified in legal terms - ie discrimination is actually still legal on those other bases.  g*y people are working on getting that protection but mostly it's not in place.  and you forgot age.

  2. Although we still have race discrimination here in this country, I think religious discrimination is a lot worse, wars are fought over it, the whole middleeast crisis revolves around Arab-Jewish conflicts. I think this needs to be focused on a lot more. No Jew would have won the dem nomination, but a black man can see where discrimination really is at.

  3. Just to correct you, racism & discrimination are two different things. The main reason why those other factors you've mentioned weren't tackled in your school, its because these has nothing to do with racism but rather discrimination. You mentioned that your school's topic is about racism isn't it?

    Racism is an issue based on race such as unequal human rights due to racial differences, banning of certain things or activities for diff races. On the other hand, discrimination is an act of looking down on another person due to his physical appearance, intellect, mental state, outlook in life, etc. that can occur whether in the same or different race.

    Those other factors you mentioned are indeed part of discriminatory actions that is happening everywhere you go.

  4. maybe mental health situation types, meaning education will help as far as special education means being more sophisticated.

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