
What types of bones for my dog should I ask for when I go to the butchers?

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She is a 2 year old Jack Russell




  1. the best and healthiest bones for dogs are the soup bones, which have the marrow running thru the center of them, this marrow is vitamins for dogs. i simply wash them with hot water,( NEVER EVER give dogs cooked bones, they will splinter), put them in their dog area, and let them enjoy! you should only give dogs un-cooked beef bones, do not worry the bones are raw, they usually have a minimal amount of meat on them, usually no meat.

  2. we owned jack russels years ago..and we used to go into the butcher and ask for a huge marrow bone and get them to cut it in half for both was funny watching them chew and drag around a bone nearly as big as them..they loved it! Every saturday lunch time time they would sit at the back door waiting, coz they knew saturday was meat shopping day lol

  3. Soup bones are good. One time I went into the butcher shop with my daughter and asked for dog bones. She thought they were bones from a dog.

  4. Also, stay away from chicken bones. They could break and choke you're dog. If you're going to get bones, get like ribs kind of thing  

  5. only get BEEF bones stay away from pork and chicken bones its bad for their coat and hurts their stomach.

  6. i would get beef bones no matter what you do dont get chicken they easily break and can choke or get stuck and cut her mouth

  7. Avoid poultry bones, they splinter easy. Thick beef and pork bones should be okay. I would avoid very thin rib bones. Large rib bones should be alright for a Jack Russell. Make sure you cook them first. Probably not a good idea to give the dog raw meat.

  8. You shouldn't get bones from a butcher. Get them from a pet shop; those are made specifically for dogs to chew. Stay away from rawhide, though.  

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