
What types of bugs would a baby toad eat??

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I have 2 baby toads. What do they eat? If they eat any kinds of bugs do the bugs have to be alive or dead?? does it make a difference?? Do the toads need grass in their living place?? or is it ok to just leave a few sticks in there?? Please answer as many questions as you can and get back w/me. Thanks much and God bless.




  1. size is more important.  Most limit themselves to live.  Check this site for more info.

  2. Any bug is fine.

    I hope you have not taken these toads from the wild.  That's called stealing, in wildlife terms poaching.  It is also illegal.  States have had to make laws to protect ALL plants and animals because people keep taking them from the wild.  The end results is usually a dead animal.

    Wild things belong to ALL people,  No one person has the right to take what belongs to all of us.  Please return the toads.

    Leave the wild to the wild.

  3. For starters, you need to read up on toads before considering taking them on as a pet. My father had one until the mating season started and the toad got too noisy so he let him go.

    They need some sort of clean standing water. They do not drink water, but absorb the water through their skin. this means NO TAP WATER! You need to use rainwater or spring water for them. Tap water has metals and fluoride that can harm them.

    They also need dirt to burrow in. Toads like to dig holes and 'hide' with only their eyes sticking out. They can be sensative to temperature being they are cold-blooded, and need to regulate their temperature by sunlight or cooling off in water or underground.

    As for diet, any bug smaller than they are. Toads will even eat other toads and frogs if smaller than they are. Turn on a light at night, and collect the bugs that show up there. I'd use a net or something. Toads also like LIVE prey, something that is still moving.

    Frankly I think you should let the little guys go back to the wild where they belong. Maybe you can put them in your garden. If you put old clay flower pots on their sides, toads will use them as a home.

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