
What types of food should I eat before a track meet?

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I have a track meet on Saturday. I'm running the 1600, 4x2 and the high jump. I know what I should eat the day before (carb load), but what about in terms of stuff like protein bars and gels? Should I eat that stuff an hour before the event or a day before the event? Thanks in advance!




  1. At the track meet like 30 minutes before you event, eat a food that has lots of potassium. This stops you from getting shin splints in the race. Most Olympic runners use this technique before they run.

  2. Have a plate of spaghetti or other pasta the night before. Make sure you drink plenty of water before, during, and after the meet as well. Do not eat anything within 3 hours before the meet if it can be helped. Make sure you get breakfast the day of the meet, but don't splurge. Also, stay away from drinks like Gatorade and Powerade until after you are done competing. They have too much sugar, but Gatorade is a good recovery drink because it replenishes some elements you lose with your sweat.

  3. eat LOTS of carbs (i.e. pasta, bread) and drink gatorade on the day of the meet

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