
What types of fun and educational activities should I be doing with my 2 year old?

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What types of fun and educational activities should I be doing with my 2 year old?




  1. Please help your baby see more pictures, mainly they be of all categories, children recognises pictures more easily and fastly, try to educate them through the pictures. This is the way you help them develop interest on  a particular subject, as the baby grows elder you also add some words to the pictures to match , it will be easy for them.

    Thank you

  2. i would say try taking him or her out for a stroler ride alot its not good to keep a 2 year old in a house or a day care center all day try to spend lots of time with the baby. I suggest that u play with a soft strifom ball and roll it on the floor so u cant hurt the baby. Try coloring too when i was a baby my mom and i always used to draw and color together my mom says it always works i even do it when im baby sitting they love it and u should try any thing that ppl give u and try the coloring thing it really works..!

  3. taking walks, playing blocks, reciting words that they repeat to you, show them parts of their face, hands, names of family, talk to them... reading to them, if weather permits take them to a park and let them chase a small ball, let them watch educational shows on tv [usually public channels,  listen to music for small kids[ nursery rhymes, etc.... lots of hugs and kisses......

  4. go to a store and get some basic shapes such as a Star, Square, Circle, Triangle. When my kids started preschool, I had already been doing this and they were really prepaired. It does not have to be work for them. Just make sure that you find these items in different colors. Then you can say things like, look at the blue circle or look at the green square. most likely your child will not remember this right away but it can be made into a game and will help the learning process later. also work on drawing straight lines. be sure to get the large pencils and plenty of paper.

  5. sing a b c  count up to 10 addition 1+1 subtraction 5-1  leapster  I was 2 once.

  6. Go through the alphabet in a fun way.Leap frog alphabet learning DVD and get foam letters. As they go through the alphabet hand him the letter. My daughter was able to recognize the 26 letters and their sounds by 16 months old just from doing this.

    You will be reinforcing something fun to watch.

  7. you can chat with them.i know they don't understand but they fill well while you are speaking.

  8. My nephew is only two but we're already working early with him & he's catching on very fast. I say work on spelling his name, how old he is, how he is feeling today. Start on body parts, make it interactive "This is your stomach" and then like poke his stomach & make him laugh. Stuff like that. Puzzles, legos, coloring books, magazines, books, etc. I'm thinking that we will be investing in a V.Smile Baby. Its a plug n play tv system that teaches different concepts for toddlers to learn.

  9. All activities are beneficial,

    Running, jumping, and outside games are wonderful for large motor development. Find things for him/her to climb through, crawl over etc. This helps develop the spatial sense, which is the beginning of math concepts, it also helps teach vocabulary such as, over, under, beside, in frount...etc.

    Give him crayons, play-doh and age appropriate scissors...these activities help develop small motor skills, and hand eye coordination. I give my children the scissors and let them cut play doh when they are just beginning. It's easier for them to acquire the skills needed to cut paper.

    Sorting is wonderful for beginning math skills. Whether it's by color, by shape, or by size, just start out simple, and add to it as  his/her skills develop.

    When you are reading a book with your child, stop and point out different things in pictures, this helps develop vocabulary and teaches him/her to stop and notice interesting things. Then allow your child to 'retell' the story, this can be very charming, and is good for recall skills and reading comprehension.

    Our children are learning every day from everything they do. Our games and activities with them don't have to take allot of painstaking time. Just having an understanding of childhood development, and a little creativity can keep both you and your child entertained!

  10. Painting, coloring, drawing, playing with play dough, reading, playing, building with blocks, self-help skills, talking to your child and explaining what you are doing and what is going on.  Sing songs with your child, take them outside, and limit TV!!!!  Children should not be watching more than an hour a day.  I am a preschool teacher and it is important to give children oppportunities to write, scribble, draw, etc.  This gives them experience with writing, even if they are not doing much of anything with it.  The same thing with painting, they eventually "write" things in the paint.  It gives them the fine motor coordination for writing.  Reading is great, and just plain interacting with your child.  Let them help you set the table, load the washer, etc.  This will boost self-esteem.  I would avoid the Vtech type toys.  Any positive adult interaction is way better than a talking toy!  Alphabet is too young for two year olds... you can introduce it, but I wouldn't focus on it too much.  Colors and shapes are more appropriate. Maybe work on the letters in their names, but it really is too soon to focus on the whole alphabet.  They might start to get it, but they really are not learning it at that age, but repeating and memorizing.  3-4 is a much better age for alphabet.

  11. My daughter is 2 1/2 and she loves her flash cards. I got some with sesame street characters on them. They are designed for 2-4 year olds. She has an alphabet one, a numbers one, and another alphabet one that focuses on differentiating lower and upper case letters.

    I just lay down 5 or so cards in front of her and ask her which one she wants to look at. She says the letter, then gets to see the picture on the for letter C they have a picture and spelling of a cookie....then we spell the word together. She really likes it and it is getting her ready for preschool too.

  12. teach him the alphabet,numebrs, oe read  a book and ask him to answer easy questions,,and o like addition and subtraction 1+1=2 stuff like that!

  13. You should be able to get some ideas from this site

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