
What types of hamsters are better?

by Guest63054  |  earlier

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Dwarfs or syrians




  1. Syrians

    Dwarfs bite and the only thing that is better about dwarfs than syrians is that dwarfs are smaller wich means they can go through tp tubes and critterTrail tubes wich SOME syrians cant but syrians are much much much more friendlier than dwarfs and they arnt as nervous and they dont p**p as much

  2. Syrians:Syrians are more tame,longer lifetime,bigger,cool,more illnesses,BETTER.

    Dwarfs:Less tame,more active,cuter,funnier,smaller,faster,less illnesses,More people own syrians.

    Overall i like syrians just a very little bit better then dwarfs. Hope i helped :)

  3. It depends on what you want.

    Dwarfs are awake during the day, and are much more interesting to watch than Syrians. But they become untamed after awhile and aren't for cuddling much.

    Syrians are cuddly, stay tamed forever, and don't escape as easy. But it's a nightmare when you're trying to sleep at night, and are sorta boring to watch.

  4. That really depends on you. If you want 2+ hamsters then a dwarf hamster is perfect. But, for first time hamster owners Syrians are much better because :

    a) They won't try and escape

    b) They are easier to handle

    c) Syrians are perfect for first time hamster owners.

    So, it depends on you!

    You would buy a dwarf because you wanted more than 1 hamster.

    You would buy a syrian because you're new to hamsters and want a perfect pet!  Good luck and i hope i helped!

  5. Syrians definitely because they are they easiest hamsters to handle but the first few times you handle them they scamper but with a little bit of effort they can because very tame!!

    If your going to buy one here's some info about looking after them:


    As we said at the very beginning you must be committed to providing the very best for your hamster. It is amazing how many people dont think its necessary to interact with their hamsters once they bring them home. But it is, and it is something you need to consider BEFORE you buy your pet. Lets see what hamsters need.


    In the wild hamsters live in deserts or barren places, and spend the majority of time foraging for food. They are used to being in large, open spaces so need good, secure, but roomy housing. There are many types of cages and runs available at your local pet shop. Be aware that many of the cages that are sold as hamster cages are really much too small and should be avoided.

    Hamsters can be housed in a wire cage with a plastic base, a plastic hamster home or an adapted aquarium (vivarium) with a well-ventilated cover. Wooden cages should not be used as hamsters can chew their way out! The most important thing to remember is that a hamster home can never be too big they love to explore and exercise. Multi-level cages are a good idea as they add interest to the hamsters environment but be careful with plastic tubes as the larger Syrian hamsters may get stuck. The hamster home must always have a place for your hamster to rest and hide, and another area for play, exercise and feeding.

    Hamsters must always be kept indoors and careful thought should be given to where your hamsters home is situated. The temperature in the room should be constant, away from direct sunlight and draufts, away from constant noise (ie: a freezer). Because they have sensitive hearing they should never be placed near a television, CD player, stereo, etc.

    Ensure your hamsters cage has lots of room for them to exercise. It is best to buy your cage and equipment before you purchase your hamster so that your hamster can be placed straight into its cage on arrival home, keeping stress to a minimum.

    Cage Hygiene

    Cages should be cleaned out on a regular basis. This is especially important in warmer weather in order to prevent flies being attracted to the cage, as this may result in an infestation of maggots. In the wetter months, bedding can become damp and moldy from extreme weather. Did you know that hamsters can catch nasty diseases from dirty cages? So make sure you pay lots of attention to keeping your hamsters cage clean and hygienic. Here are some tips to help you:


    * Remove any soiled bedding


    * Remove all old bedding. Thoroughly sweep out all the cage.

    * Rinse with warm water and mild detergent and wait until dry.

    * Spray inside of cage with a hamster safe disinfectant/deoderant and wait until dry.

    * Replace with clean bedding.


    Keeping your hamster warm and cozy at night is very important. You also need bedding that is absorbent which makes cleaning easier for you. Do not use bedding that is synthetic as this could harm your hamster if he ate it and might block his cheek pouches, stomach or gut.

    It is also recommended that all bedding should have been dust-extracted as this reduces irritation to the eyes, nose and respiratory system.

    Carefresh - Supreme Science

    This is a top of the line bedding made from virgin wood pulp fibers. A great alternative to traditional bedding. It is more absorbent than wood shavings and really helps eliminate pet odors. It is an environmentally friendly product, contains no inks or dyes, is dust free, hypo-allergenic and is, therefore, particularly suitable if your hamster. Carefresh is both safe and hygenic, has been heat treated to inhibit bacterial and fungal growth. It absorbs up to 3 times its weight in liquid and lasts up to twice as long as traditional bedding. It is also environmentally friendly as no trees were cut down to make it.


    It is extremely important that your hamster has the opportunity to exercise every day. Your hamster will also benifit from some fresh air, daylight and grass. Exercise is essential to:

    maintain high levels of fitness

    maintain mental well-being

    increase cardiovascular fitness

    control weight levels

    maintain joint mobility

    maintain muscle tone

    Your hamster will love running around and playing with his toys! If you want to provide a wheel for your hamster to play in, it MUST be big enough so that the hamster does not have to bend his back when he is inside, and must have a solid floor rather than rungs as these can cause injuries to the feet.. Although hamsters sleep during the day, they are really energetic and will exercise for 3-4 hours a night. Place the wheel in the cage for a few hours only, to avoid over-exercising. Hamsters love climbing, so han

  6. well i think that syrians are better because they don't bite as much or as harder as dwarfs do

  7. Syrians

  8. syrian

    -easier the tame and handle

    -dont bite as much

    -bigger and cuddlier

    -dont escape as much

    -dwarf'll run away while play

    -dwarf run faster

    -small and fast,hard to catch

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