
What types of jobs can you get with an anthropology degree?

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I'm considering choosing anthropology as my major.




  1. you can work for the government, businesses who are looking to expand or already have offices in other countries, teach, write, work in a museum, be an depends on which branch you choose.  the american anthropological association has a good website that lists available jobs.  i'm definitely finding that you need a doctorate for most jobs.

  2. Anthropology adjunct or professor, researcher, curator . .. there are a few, you'll find something!

  3. (This is the answer I gave someone asking a similar question).

    There are numerous jobs that you can do with a degree in anthropology and whatever job you choose to do does not necessarily have to specifically deal with anthropology. You can have a job in education (teaching, research, excavation), museums (curators, conservation, research, education), government (administration, CRM, surveying, site management, excavation, research, museum conservation, urban planning, program management), private sector (CRM, research), business (PR, administration, advertising, human resources, sales, writing), social services (administration, counseling, research). It all depends on what interests you and how far you are going to go in your education.

    This year I am graduating with a degree in Anthropology and, for now, I am going to be a 'shovel bum' and work across the US for about a year then decide if I want to go to grad school or settle down somewhere. Right now, government jobs are the way to go because the baby boomers are retiring and so there are a lot of openings in government positions. I eventually want to work for the BLM, but in order to do so I need a masters in anthropology.  It took me until my junior year in college that I decided to major in anthropology with a focus in archaeology and I do not regret it.  I didn't even know about anthropology until I took an intro to anth course. I found it very fascinating and was hooked.

    The important thing is, is that anthropology is within the college of arts and sciences.  You can do anything you really want to do. You can get a doctorate, you can become a lawyer, work for the government, work in business, etc.

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