
What types of organizations or clubs can my mother join in Beaumont, TX?

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My mother is 46 years old and no longer working. At an early age she was affected by a stroke, which causes her to have a disability. With no children at home and a working husband, she often times finds herself bored and depressed. Are there any organizations or clubs she can join where she can interact with other people/women in her town of Beaumont, TX? She doesn't like to drive much, but will if she has somewhere to go! I'm worried about her being so lonely and just want to find something for her to enjoy doing. She LOVES to do anything to help people, so volunteer work would be really great. Any ideas would be appreciated!!




  1. She could join the YMCA or YWCA or do volunteer work with the Red Cross.  Does she belong to a church?  The Y has all kinds of stuff for people of all ages.  I find the local library helps out with questions like this.

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