
What u doind tonight?

by  |  earlier

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I'm sooo bored




  1. It's a full moon so I can't really see the stars.  I was thinking of looking at Jupiter and its moons with binocculars, but it's partly cloudy so I can't even do that.  I'll probably do some web sites for about an hour then play some Starcraft until it's cool enough to go to bed.  

  2. I'm downloading music.  I'd look at the stars except it's August and I'm in Alaska, there's still a bit of daylight and it's midnight...

    (Brant, I think stars are verrrrrry kewl!)


  3. Aww I'm sorry your bored. Do you have a pair of binoculars? Get them out and go star gazing. Point them towards Jupiter and you will probably be able to see 4 of its largest moons. Jupiter is the brightest object in the sky second to the moon. That will give some excitement!

    If you want to play some games try the following websites: --roblox is very fun. It is a free online 3D game. All you need is a windows computer to download the free software. Registration takes less than 5 minutes and installation takes less than 15.

  4. I'm staying on Yahoo! Answers, answering & asking questions all day.

  5.   Oh,just hangin around.

  6. I'm inside wishing it wasn't cloudy outside so I could see M22 before it sets.

  7. For lack of anything better, reporting chatty, pointless questions.

    (Well, okay, I didn't report you, but this question is a violation and serves no purpose at all. Here, have a star. You probably think they're kewwwwel.)

  8. Don´t worry just sleep with me tonight and you will not get bored ever.

  9. Tonight, what I am doing is sitting here on Yahoo!Answers, wondering why this question is in the astronomy section.
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