
What u feel about current terrorist attacks on India?

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I really feel that as soon as a political situation gets stable in Pakistan India starts suffer from various terrorist attacks in metro cities, also problem in Jammu Kashmir and problem at Indo-pak border. Is anyone still have a doubt that Pakistan government supports terrorist.

Even if u r Pakistani or Muslim, put your hand on your heart and answer.





  2. I'm not surprised.

  3. Making terrors and terrorism is not new to the world.  it happens, happened and happening.. what is the difference?  The terrorists in olden days make terror and rob the properties.  Their motivation was not to kill, making the people in the grip of fear and they take away the jewells etc.,  But, what happening now is very sad.  They kill people..innocent people.  why they do ?  it is one country doing this acts on another country.  Terrorist actions have no meanings.  Their aim now a days are to make confusions in the country and making to split religions and infights.  They want to fish in the troubled waters  It is all new to india.  we are the country and we are the people not doing any acts against any people.   why they make terror ?  Their motivations are not to rob and to take away the properties or jewels.. They are inducing the people against the govt.  moreover, out govt is soft pedelling in this matter.  we don't want to get into a blame game..we want to catch the culprits and they should be given a severe punishment.  Having all modernised weapons, the America is not able to catch the osama bin laden.  some terrorist groups are having blessings by the some country and its govts.   They are unable to do directly and they do like this.  it is a sad thing.  we have intelligence ..our instruments to be specialised.   to be drilled, to be refined.. The politicians should sink their differences and unitedly to fight terrorism..  what is the result of jaipur attack?  and from jaipur attack why precausionery measures not taken by the govt.  No religions sanctions killing of innocent people.  Terrorism can be broken down to two elements.. the intension to engage in acts of murderous violence, and the infrastructure needed to execute them.  Terrorist intelligence and investigative capabilities.  not one state has intelligence databases or forensic capabilities of international standards.  A national centre rund bythe intelligence bureau, which is supposed to act as the vanguard for capacity develpment, is an old promise that is yet to be met.  In more states, the police force is understaffed, under-trained, and under-equipped.  The govt should see all this and all we equipped. Strigent and deterrent laws should be enacted to fight terrorism effectively.  ordinary laws and time consuming procedures embolden terrorist.  The govt should feel its seriousness of the situation and to act accordingly. your argument about pakistan seems to be not correct, since there is no stability is found. The attacks in metro cities is an eye-opener to the govt.

  4. Maybe it's not a bad thing, so we'll stop out sourcing to India, and more Americans will have jobs.

  5. why can't americans stop cribbing about losing jobs? point the fingers at yourselves, it's american corporates who prefer cheaper labor. it's basic economics, r****d.

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