
What unites india today?

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india is a nation of such different religions, cultures, languages (there are over a hundred languages spoken in india, and it could be argued that a southern state of india is more different than a northern one, than england is different from spain.

yet , despite winston churchills predictions that india would go back into barbarism and separate states like ancient times, india remains the worlds largest democracy and its economy is growing at a rate that in 50 years teh country will be a potentital superpower.

but what keeps india united in the midst of all of this?




  1. Spiritual Knowledge & Confidence of Unity !!!

  2. It's often said that cricket and Bollywood are the only two things that unite India.

    In addition, India has had some political leaders who have had widespread support throughout India. For ex. Mahatma Gandhi, Nehru, Indira, Shastri, Rajiv Gandhi and Vajpayee. The popularity of these nationalistic leaders and their political parties has played a crucial role in uniting India.

    But the impact of Indian film industry and cricket on raising nationalistic sentiments among Indians was perhaps the most profound.

  3. Irrespective of differences among North & South or various religion, Languages, etc, etc..,

    Yet the drops of blood shed by Our father of Nation Gandhiji and his preachings, still remains fresh in life of every Indian.

    Every Indian is united when it comes to India as a nation and not part of Indians. It is a feeling of one India and that feeling is in the deepest sense of every human being in India and it will remain there fro ever. As the entire Nation is pround of having Leaders like Dr. Abdul Kalam and many hidden treassures.

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