
What universities do you think I can apply to with a SAT score of 1950?

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I'm an international student and I'll be relying solely on a full scholarship to go to an American university. I was involved in a lot of extracurricular activities both within and out of school if this holds some weight.




  1. International students dont get any scholarships at most univs.Only some of the Ivies give financial aid to international students.Anyway,you could try.

    I think you should retake the SAT and get a 2100 on it.You defo can improve,I'm sure.

  2. yeah u can probably get in almost anywhere...i had a 1330 and got accept to every skool i applied good luck

  3. Unfortunately, with a 1950, unless you have an extraordinary talent or achievement, a full scholarship will probably not be possible.

    The competition for the small amount of aid available for international students means only the very top scorers get much money.

    You may be better off going to school in your country and coming to the US for grad school after doing very well in college.

  4. Its becoming harder and harder to get scholarships in the United States-for students living here and even more for international students.  If you are relying on getting a full scholarship then you must be willing to come to a small unknown university in America.

    Notre Dame of Maryland is a small college for girls in Baltimore, Maryland (about 1 hr away from Washington DC)  they will most likely give you a full scholarship for you SAT score so go to this website:

    the advantage of this school is that it is a private school and is VERY beautiful and the tuition is expensive.  But the good side is that they will give you a full tuition scholarship for that SAT score and if you have good grades and extracurricular activities.

    (good luck)

  5. Personally i find it offensive that our tax dollars go to scholarships for immigrants it should be required that u are a citizen to recieve our tax monies to futher ur education. there is somthing seriously flawed with the U.S. system. but then again our foundation education system (the majority) sucks. of course we need to out source and find immigrants to hopefully stay in this country to lead in technology and such.

    so dissapointed in the U.S.

    i think ur extracurricular activites are a plus when applying to any school.

  6. First of all, you'll probably want to decide what you'd like to major in before considering a college.  Colleges in the U.S. are often distinguished for their level of training expertise in a particular area of study.  

    After that, the sky's the limit.  You already have a good score to back you up.  Now you should rely on your ability to interview and write and "Acceptance Letter" to see you through.  Yale has accepted students with lower SAT scores than yours and that's one of our best universities in the country.  

    Figure out what you want to do with yourself and then begin researching schools.  You're going to be fine.  Best wishes..


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