
What universities or colleges would offer a large department in Archeology?

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this is what i want my major to be and i was wondering what colleges would offer the best resources and help.




  1. University of Cape Town in South Africa

    I know that they have a large Humanities and Social Sciences program for undergrad degrees

  2. The biggest is not necessarily the best.  You should choose your school based on your interests and who you will be working with - not necessarily on the size of the department.  The American Anthropological Association publishes a complete listing of faculty and their specialties every year - go to a local university library and see if you can find their guide!

    Here are some good schools with biggish departments in archaeo or anthropology departments with a lot of archaeologists-

    University of Texas at Austion

    University of New Mexico

    New Mexico State University

    University of Georgia

    University of Washington

    University of Michigan

    University of Pittsburgh

    There are others

    There are also a few not-so-great schools out there with big departments.

  3. I would go for something in Southern California.

    My friend is always going on locational digs in Argetina and Chile and cool places --- and she went to UCLA.

    I think it has to do with location.

    Same way you wouldn't study Marine Biology in Ohio (hint: go to Florida) You will have a harder time getting hands-on-expierence if you are not near the location of the digs.

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