
What up with this?????????

by  |  earlier

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I can't go to a urinal because when I do I get an erection. I can't control it, it just happens, and then I can't pee. So I have to go use a stall. Is this just hormones or what?




  1. who old r u its most likely just hormones i use the stall anyway. no big deal  

  2. Depending on your age, it's probably just hormones. Sometimes you can't help what happens and using the stall is the only way you can urinate in public. Hope this helps.

  3. you might be nervous that some might see you. try turning some water on. and the think for the water flowing out as a waterfall. it might help.

  4. Yeah.. just hormones... or you like the feel of your own d**k.... or you get excited at the thought that someone is watching.... whatever it is... your hormones are racing and that is the cause of your increased libido....... so keep using the stalls.

  5. Since you mention hormones, I'm assuming you're a teen and going through puberty.  During this period of our lives, everything turns us on.  And being nude or exposed in a semi-public environment is enough to cause some guys to become erect.  Continue using the stalls if you're really worried, but know that this reaction will pass with time.

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