
What updates is XP going to install?

by  |  earlier

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When XP shuts down, often it says "shut down and install updates" - but how do I see what it's going to install before it happens?

I don't want to just disable auto-update because then it'll never be updated (it's my parents computer, I'm helping them) - but they need to make sure it doesn't install a few updates that we know are incompatible with some things they use (a keyboard driver, video driver and SP3 currentley).





  1. You can change the auto update so it doesnt do it fully automitic but when new updates are available will ask you to tell it what to get and waht not to get. however msot are named "cumualtive scurity update for windows" or "security patch for windows" so arent very useful names to tell whats its doing anyway.

    aslo if any of the updates will cuase an incompatibilty with drivers it just doesnt install it, simple.(though most dont), in fact most of the tiem Updates doesnt update the graphics drivers or stuff liek that, unlesstheres a fatal flaw then it will.

    and do not follow above users advice, get IE updated to version 7, version 6 is full of security flaws and will let your Pc get laods of viruses, also on top of that jsut get firefox, its even safer.

  2. XP doesn't install keyboard or video drivers, you have to do that yourself. As far as XP SP3 is concerned, I had put off installing this because I didn't trust it. Four days ago I let automatic updates download and install SP3 and I haven't noticed a thing wrong. One thing it WILL download that your parents probably don't need is Internet Explorer 7, which frankly, is a piece of junk. I've fought having it on my computer and won't let it be downloaded and installed. I tried it once, and once was enough. One of the ways you can be sure about the updates is to click on Microsoft Update, which should be showing above Programs when you click on Start (depending on the start menu you have chosen.) That will take you to the actual download spot, and preview all the updates currently on the computer and the ones Microsoft is recommending. If you don't want those updates, remove the checkmark by them and it will leave a (-) beside it and those updates won't load.  

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