
What upsets you most?

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you know what pisses me off? people asking stupid, stupid stuff wasting everyone's time. 'why don't parents ask the child's permission before bringing them into being? ' and 'what kind of clothes do they wear in russia?' and the like. and how, when asked if they would do smtg bad/illegal/imoral everybody just rides the high horse. and let's not forget those people who drive up to the atm and then proceed to look for the things they need and spend 15 minutes in the supposedly fast lane. it's for people in a hurry, not for those too lazy to get out of the car!!

so, what pisses you off?




  1. Ummm, people thinking I'm stupid and not seeing my side of things. Not getting enough respect. But I can't help but wonder, if you asked that question to really find out what pissed other ppl off or if you just needed to get something off your chest. Hmmmm, that's something to think about. Sorry, I don't mean to be rude....I'm just in a mood of deep thought.

  2. Ignorance upsets me the most.  The fact that people cannot see that some are more intelligent than others; and as they ask their bland questions and receive answers beneath and above them, they are only at peace with a level of understanding that matches their own.  

    There are less intelligent persons that need answers just as you do!

  3. Seeing people litter

    Seeing people hurt other people without caring that they hurt someone, or even get a kick of hurting someone

  4. Neither of those questions are that stupid, in my opinion.  'why don't parents ask the child's permission before bringing them into being? '  Whoever asked that has a point, even though it would obviously be impossible.  And the clothes in Russia are no doubt slightly different than the ones in America, even if it is not a whole different type of clothes.  (Maybe different brands, different fashions, et cetera.  Just like the fashions in America change from one season to the next.)  What bothers me right now is...people who act very condescending to me just because they are a couple years older.  But my "pet peeve" so to speak, changes often.

  5. You know what really grinds my gears? This Lindsay Lohan. Lindsay Lohan with all those little outfits, jumping around there on stage, half-naked with your little outfits. Ya know? You're a... You're out there jumping around and I'm just sitting here with my beer. So, what am I supposed to do? What you want? You know, are we gonna go out? Is that what you're trying to - why why are you leaping around there, throwing those things all up in my, over there in my face? What do you want, Lindsay? Tell me what you want? Well, I'll tell you what you want, you want nothing. You want nothing. All right? Because we all know that no woman anywhere wants to have s*x with anyone, and to titillate us with any thoughts otherwise is - is just bogus.

  6. Blue sox with brown shoes.

  7. People who don't know how to drive


    When you put a lot of work into something and then someone does something to oppose the work you just did (eg. I have a job to raise environmental awareness, then my brother goes and takes 2 showers a day)

    People who take the lane with no traffic and then try to merge into the one with traffic near the exit at the last minute instead of waiting their turn like everyone else

    When you go shopping and the sales person follows you

  8. what pisses me off most is when people assume something and its not true. that drives me crazy. oh and i also hate when ppl post stupid questions

  9. Ignorance

    and stupid women :)

    When someone says they are going to do something and they don't do it... well no one cares about what you didn't do!

  10. i dislike people who think they automatically have my respect, but havent earned it. i also dont like people who assume before they actually know. people who judge me by my age, and by my looks, rather than my ideals and opinions irk me a lot too. i hate it when people put me in a catagory before they have any proof to show that i need to be put in a specific group. in my opinion, people should get to know the person in question before making up their mind as to which 'group' they belong in. i know i sound really whiney, but as often as this happens to me, i have the option to being mad if i so choose to be. i wish more people could think 'out of the box' rather than see people as the normal, run of the mill, average people who's intentions are set in stone. everyone has something to offer to life. normally, it is just their life, that they have something to offer, but there are exceptions to every rule... maybe there is hope for humanity, but the sad thing is, it all rests with the kids of today... sadly to say, very few are capable of adding 2 and 2... maybe we can make it.... (this coming from a 13 yr. old...not much help is it?)



  11. People with no common sense....if people would just think a little...half of the worlds stupity would cease to exist.
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