
What ur hypothethis on wether or not teenagers have the same view on marriage as their parents?

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hers mine do you think it is


adults care more about marriage




  1. Hello, i'm a teen [16] =) My mum got married at 19, then divorced at 23. She and my dad were never married, and split up when i was very little, though i still see them both. Personally, i don't really think you need to get married. It seems a little bit pointless to me. I think if people are in love, then that's enough, y'know? You don't really need a big fancy wedding and a ring each to prove it - you could spend the money on something else. I know some people say that getting married helps [legally] with Wills and stuff, and it makes things easier, which is fair enough. I don't know if it's my parents views that have influenced my views though. Maybe their actions, and my friends parents aren't married and they're perfectly happy and everything.

    I think maybe it's just that some people feel they need marriage, and some people don't.

    But yeah, that's just my opinion, i don't mean to offend anyone =)

  2. IMHO it depends more on the state of the parent's marriage than the parent's beliefs. If the parents are together, happy and healthy the teen may have a more positive view. If the parents are divorced or distant from one another the teen may develop a more "what's the use" attitude.

  3. Its not marriage any more, its just liven together for the next 4 years

  4. Judging by the scum on the streets, and who produced them, they have the same values.

  5. Yes they do except that teenagers have a less certain way of going about it.

  6. everyone has their own perspective based on their experiences.

    since teenagers lack in that area, or have only experienced amateur type relationships, of course their views on marriage aren't going to be as positive or strong as those who have had better and more serious relationships (i.e. adults).

  7. Hope not! Aren't the next generation meant to be different from the previous one - otherwise how does life evolve?

  8. Teens these days have their own opinions and try to steer away from their parents as much as possible

  9. Just the fact that your parents have experienced marriage and you haven't will change the way a person views marriage. Age is another BIG factor here. Depends on how old the kid is in this scenario.  

  10. I would have to say their views would be similar, because a child of a home will see the marriage play out as what to expect for their future relationships, or at least they will use the examples they see as a guideline for what they do or do not want in their own lives.

    I don't know if adults care so much more about "marriage".  I think what they care more about is seeing a calculated long term plan of commitment to a relationship that will last instead of leave their child in a situation where they could be a single parent living back home with the parents in order to survive the debts of a trial relationship that broke up.  

    Some teens may see this as "old fashioned", the term "marriage" being outdated and risky because of the divorce rates of today.

    Teens may also view love differently, trusting in what they "feel" more than the logical side of what it takes to prepare for and withstand a long term relationship.

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