
What use are a man's nipples to him? and why do they puff up at times?

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What use are a man's nipples to him? and why do they puff up at times?




  1. s*x, male or female is  decided in  the womb. this sensitive nipple is hence provided for both sexes.

  2. Nipples are a sensitive spot in the body so a man can get aroused by having his nipples rubbed or pinched

  3. In the embryonic stage of development, boys and girls all have the same parts.  Then they move around to where they're eventually going to be and assume whatever their ultimate function is.  Guys' nipples just are kind of leftovers.  But they're wired the same as women's, that is on the same "circuit" as our s*x organs (either p***s or clitoris) and made out of the same stuff, called erectile tissue.  I guess the idea is to encourage women to nurse their babies by making it feel so good.  Men just get the benefit without the work.

  4. if it is believed that in evolution of man where monkey is one of the stages

    we will find all five fingers of the leg of monkey will function since they are kept in use we are not using our leg fingers that much except for standing in balance.

    as women nipples puff mans also puff when sexually aroused it all depends how much they are in use like brain which works on the percentage one uses

  5. all mammals have nipples ,they puff when u feel cold or wen u feel excitied  

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