
What used cars have ESC [electronic stability control] in them that are around 10K?

by  |  earlier

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I have a car, but me and my mom are going to buy me a new one around December. I saw an article about how much ESC can help during quick movements, and I'd like to get a car that has it. Are there any used cars that are around10,000 that would have it?




  1. newest would be a scion Xb. You can probably find some older Audis that will have it, but the reliability would be an issue.

  2. Try the Nissan VErsa

  3. i would get the new shape golf 2.0TDI. Very good, economical and reliable car that goes like the clappers... for a diesel!

  4. This is a good question. You're definately going to have to shop around for a good deal and one with ESC. Check this out for more on that:

  5. You need to realize that ESC is not a standard term for all vehicles some call it ESP or VSP.  Check out this web site it give vehicle names and what that manufacturer calls it.

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