
What uses more battery, texting or phones calls?

by Guest62348  |  earlier

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Just wodnering because it seems my phone dies faster when I text but it seems it should use more battery when I call.




  1. I think phone calls do.

  2. Generally calls use more battery power. In other cases where text message can take more energy. If your background light goes off after talking on the phone in about 15sec, then I will think you will save battery power compared to constant texting where the light pretty much stays on through out the texting and reading.

    But again, it's hard to tell. It depends on your phone and your power save settings.

  3. That depends on the duration of the texting and calling.  Technically calling, using GPS or the Net , being in an area of low service, BURNS through the battery.  But if your texting often, and keeping the back-light lit on the phone, that will hurt your battery life too.

  4. i had this talk with my friends and we did an experament one day we only made calls and the othe rwe just did text we were very  suprised by how much batterie life you save texting

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