
What value do storytelling hold for preschool children.?

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What value do storytelling hold for preschool children.?




  1. It promotes imagination.

  2. It captivates and stimulates there imagination, it's from storytelling that they invent there own play.

  3. The value of innocence that characterize every child and that make them dream, every time the storytelling takes place. It developes the children's creativity, it's a most.

  4. I think its very important.  it helps with their cognitive development, making sense of the world.   - but also it has the added effect of the bond it gives from the story teller to the child - the fact that the child becomes engrossed a story - a chance to sit down with the child makes a big difference.

  5. It is the most significant way that they learn other than touching and getting messy!

    It helps them learn consequences of behaving in different ways/ right from wrong....using ducks, kings and queens, etc. It gives them hope and let's their imaginations flourish.

    READ read read to them!!! Or JUST TELL them made up stories...even simple ones...they learn language, intonation, etc.

  6. It helps with holding their attention

    opens up their learing curve

    feeds their imagination

    makes them eager to learn more

    lets them ask questions

    teaches them things they might not hear about in any other way.

    and makes them keen to share this quiet time with you and others around the story teller.

  7. its help their language development because they can here the words.

    It helps their emotional dev because they think about the characters in the book and use their imagination.


    What value DOES storytelling hold for pre-school children ?  

    What values DO storytelling hold for preschool

    children ?

    I would say that it helps them develop their own ability to imagine and understand our language so that later on, it seems a pleasure for them , also, it has to be a very loving feeling for the child, and wonderful.  My great grandmother read to me every night until I fell asleep,  from pre school until elementary school when she died, and I recall those nights layng in bed with my mind filled with princesses and kings and castles and magic.  Those were the most wonderful times of my childhood, how can I ever thank her enough, perhaps by reading to my own children and grandchildren.  

    Perhaps also this was the beginning for me for a lifetime of reading and education and a wonderful career, thanks to my language skills, I worked for a major airline for 35 years until I retired and I know the world.  Did it all start with those stories my great grandmother read to me ?  I believe that it did.

  9. It helps to stimulate their imagination

  10. Oh -the children are mesmerized when I tell them stories without books - they can create the pictures in their minds. Sometimes I use flannel board or magnet props and they have so much to tell me about it afterwards -much more so than when I use a book which of course, I also do a lot!

  11. Stories provide children with ideas and models on which to base their own writing and develop their own speaking and listening skills, they extend childrens knowledge and experience of language forms. They help children to make sense of the world around them, expanding their knowledge of cultural and social diversity. Stories provide children with a context for learning, it is particulary important in history as history is based on a series of stories.

    One of the most important things about stories is that children enjoy them, it is almost impossible to teach uninterested children, and stories provide a brilliant basis for other learning. Also consider how many morals are included not only in modern stories but fairytales, concepts such as, always listening to your parents, being nice to animals and eachother, not to talk to strangers etc etc. Stories are an excellant way of teaching children how to act in the world around them.

    I'm currently writing an essay about how to choice appropriate stories for the classroom, boring but I have read a lot about the value of stories. Try finding 'Primary English: Knowledge and Understanding' by Medwell, J et al. There are many versions but i think the most recent was published in 2007, there is a whole chapter on 'The qualities of Stories' Another good book is 'Teaching English language and Literacy' by Wyse, D. and Jones, R. 2003. Hope this helps, hate writing essays!!

  12. Storytelling and listening to stories is very good for young children. It builds their creativity, communication and memory skills. Children who are read to often also have better literacy skills later on.

  13. One thing is that preschool children will be greatly motivated by some good inspirational stories. Again telling story to them will expand their imagination. Also they will be close to the person who tells them the story. But the story teller should keep in mind that he/she shouldn't tell some horror or discouraging stories. Children's mind up to 5 years are very sensitive to any information which will actually build their carrier.

  14. Pre reading skills and literacy is an important part of the Preschool Curriculum. Babies and young children need to hear language before they can speak it or read it. Studies have shown that preschoolers learn to read faster when exposed to oral language and the spoken word, not just reading the words. Oral stories, rhymes, songs are a vital part of the preschool childs’ understanding of language patterns, sequencing, vocabulary, rhythm and phonology.

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