
What value resistor is this?

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This 500pc resistor set ( ) has resistor values from 1R -10M ohm. What value is 1R? Ive never heard of that in my life...




  1. One ohm.

    When they print the value on a resistor rather than using colour codes, they tend to use R rather than the omega symbol.

    It's also easier to use in Yahoo answers rather than trying to find an omega symbol!!!!!!

  2. R is Ohm, when the display character for Omega (Ω) is not available.

  3. It's a Continental thing that has found its way across the Channel.

    "R" is used as a substitute for the Ω symbol, and also as a replacement for the fraction delimiter  (decimal point, or comma as they use over there).  So "4.7Ω" would be written 4R7, and 2.2kΩ would be written 2K2  (always a capital letter).  The same is done with capacitors except the symbols are P, N and U for pF, nF and µF.  (It's not just electronics, either:  a litre-and-a-half bottle of lemonade might be labelled "1L5".)

    This was originally done because (1) typewriters often didn't have mathematical and scientific symbols and (2) early photocopying processes often had trouble reproducing decimal points / commas accurately.  

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