
What values and attitudes are presented in the movie blood diamond?

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What values and attitudes are presented in the movie blood diamond?




  1. Poorly considered ones! I am with:

  2. racial equality in a country which has never been able to see past colour of skin

  3. greed, mercy, compassion alot  

  4. I would say the values at the start were how to make money out of a bad situation.

    But closer to the end of the film you see new ones, first of all the smugglers attitude changes from being heart less and greedy and from haveing no values of the love between one person and another, to putting his self in danger of being killed to help a father find and save his son who has been brain washed into being a mine worker slave driver type person.

    and as the film draws to the end the cold hearted diamond/gun trader not only sacrafices his bid for fredom but gives the diomond he was going to sell to the father to help him and his family have a new life

  5. corruption, thirst for riches, how the north decimates the south of its riches with wars, mercenaries.

    And at end, the evil smuggler with the heart of gold has a moment of clarity before he dies and decides to come clean to put an end to this mess.

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