
What values do the Republicans stand for? What about the Democrats?

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What values do the Republicans stand for? What about the Democrats?




  1. There is little difference. Both parties have formed ' the republicrats'.

    Both ultimately stand for, a LARGER government. This means a larger debt, more taxes, and less freedom (the undeniable result of larger govt).

    Where they are different, is in the area of homosexual activity (which should not be a issue at a government level anyway). They all seem to love to argue over peoples bedroom choices. Since this area is so well defined, they actually DO appear different. Democrats appear to favor homosexual relations, republicans appear to oppose homosexual relations.

    So if you vote according to a politicians views of homosexual relations,  you have got some good choices.

    If you are one of those fringe kooks who opposes a govt that grows by %15 per year, a 9 trillion dollar debt, and "2 parties" that both favor the patriot act, real id act, funding the war, and nonstop military interventionism,   you may want to look at the Libertarians.

  2. Cannot speak for the Democrats, but true Republican have a solid set of principals that are as old as Lincoln.

    1.  Small, limited government --- As Lincoln said "The legitimate object of government, is to do for a community of people, whatever they need to have done, but can not do, at all, or can not, so well do, for themselves -- in their separate, and individual capacities."

    2.  Rights are endowed by the Creator and do not belong to the government,  Therefore government must restricts it taking or limiting of individual rights.

    3.  Control of spending

    4.  Conservation and Thrift  --- The National parks were created by Republicans.

    5.  Equality before the law ---

    6.  Encouragement of education.

    7.  Encouragement of Science and Industry (Land Grant Colleges Act)

    8.  Sound fiscal policies

    9.  Protection of our national interests with strenght.

    Some may add or detract but I believe these are the core.

    Alas, not all individual who claim to be Republicans --- Are.

    In the last several Congresses there were too many Republicans that sought to buy votes with the public's money.

    Lincoln also said about limited government: ".I do not mean to say that this government is charged with the duty of redressing or preventing all the wrongs in the world; but I do think that it is charged with the duty of preventing and redressing all wrongs which are wrongs to itself."

  3. In a very basic non bias way of putting it, Republicans support the government and Democrats support the people. Not to say that this is the only focus of each party.

    Republicans tend to be conservatives and religious types so things like abortion and g*y marriage are thing they are against. They support thing like ,usually, that would be supported by the bible or Christianity in general.

    Democrats are liberal and try to make people happy. Tax cut and welfare are thing that they would support because they help the living of the general public. Not to say that they want Anarchy over the happiness of USA citizens.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Both Simulate Having Values.

  5. Democrats: Handouts, Minority rules, Anti Americanism.

    Republicans: America, Freedom, Hard work.

  6. Republicans are supposed to stand for the following principals: Fiscal responsibility, moral behavior in public and private, personal responsibility for one’s actions, smaller government that allows an environment where the individual as well as groups can flourish, God Country and Family are central to a man/woman’s life, last and not least the notion that government is the servant of the people not the other way around.

    Democrats are supposed to stand for the following principals: the greatest good for the greatest number (usually works the opposite as in the greatest good for the fewest people), bigger government will take care of everything for you cradle to grave, the individual is to uneducated or to mentally limited to make the best decisions for him/herself and must be cared for by those with better breeding.

    The national leadership of both parties has gotten past their parties principals to the golden rule. I want all tine power and no one else gets any!

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