
What vegetable crops can I plant now in Northern Indiana Area?

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What vegetable crops can I plant now or later in this year for this years harvest? The neighbor kids destroyed my crops. So I ended up building a fenced in area to garden in. I really need to grow some fresh veggies so I don’t feel another year is lost.

Northern Indiana Area




  1. You can plant cold weather crops now.  Lettuce and peas and radishes.  Maybe onions from starts (not seed), maybe brocolli, coliflower from starts prefered because I think all these are July start to be in time for winter and it is too late to start by seed.  

  2. hello neighbor.. i live in Illinois... you can plant stuff that doesn't come in seeds.. like a pumpkin plant.. zucchini.. Squash.. all of the fall  veggies.. just make sure if you do any of these you have some room for them to grow upwards.. because these plants get viney.. they also have a late season strawberry you can get.. onions.. they sell those onion bulbs those grow pretty fast.   food luck.. just make sure you treat for grub worms... they like the vine plants.

  3. Great time to get your greens in.  Turnips, mustard, kale will all do well.  Try the brassicas - brussel sprouts, broccoli.  Find some folks who have been gardening for a while (old people can be good resources), or call the county extension agent.

  4. Here's a couple of ideas. If your county has one, contact your County Extension Agent. They'll be able to tell you based on your zone what fall crops you can plant. Otherwise, I suggest you check out the websites of Mother Earth News, Countryside magazine, and also Google the question.  Most fall crops will do well, as will peas, carrots (under good mulch), members of the brassica family.

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