
What vegetables can I start growing NOW in end of July/August?

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I know it's late in the year to start growing most vegetables, but I wanted to know if there was anything that I could start growing now?

I'd really like to grow potatoes, can I do that? And if so, can I just put a potato in the ground or do I have to wait until it starts to grow roots?

What else can I grow? I'd be growing in those large pot things rather than in the actual ground itself.

Thanks for any help you can give me!




  1. Something that grows very fast.  Radishes and lettuce come to mind.

  2. hey this may not help very much,,,,i m in Mississippi USA,,,i m planting collard seed , irish taters,,and late  purple hull  peas  ,,not suitable for pots thou,,,,,,peas will make in 45 days,,,may git 2 pickings ,,if we have a late frost,,,which fer the last few yrs...we have,,,  hey  plant a few carrots  ,,radishes,,mustard greens,   each in its own pot,,, hey fore you plant a tater,,cut it so as to have at least 2 eyes on each piece,,let it cure fer  bout 2 days,,plant with cut side down,,bout 6 inches deep in sandy soil,,,4 inches deep in heavy soil,,,hope this helps,,,bye now,,,u hear;;;;;

  3. potatoes, easy dig a trench row 2in. deep ad potato seed ,water cover lightly with soil. add fertilizer on side of row. some 12-12-12 or organic equivalent cover with straw. don`t dig potatoes just rake back straw. Potatoes should be 1-2in. size. Veggies to start July/ august beets, radishes,turnips, kohlrabi, cabbage, swish chard, cauliflower,garlic these will work in most cases. It all depends on location. but this should work for central states.

  4. Hi Emma,

    I live in NH-zone 4- and I will be planting spinach for the third time this year. You could try some other greens as well- they don't take long to mature.

    Snow peas might look pretty in pots. They are vines and like to climb.

    Good luck to you.

  5. I suppose that depends on where you live.  You could buy some better established plants and you could get a decent amount of tomatoes, peppers or cucumbers.  I am growing all of these "upside down" in pots right now.  

    Potatoes are a good bet.  Do a search of potato and tire garden.  It is where you plant in one tire.  As it grows, you add another tire and dirt.

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