
What versions of the Tibetan and Egyptian "Book Of The Dead" are most accurate?

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i want to buy them soon but there are a bunch of versions of both of them.






  1. Accurate is such a loaded word.  Do you mean exact word for word translation? Or do you mean which may give you more the sense of what is meant in context?  But in general:

    Go for the one listed with Eva von Dassow for the Egyptian:  she's an editor and the translation was done by Raymond Faulkner.  The Burge book is an early translation isn't considered to be as good as the one by Faulkner.  It shows up a lot because it was the only one for quite awhile.

    For the Bardo Thodol, try the Graham Coleman-- if I understand what you mean by "accurate." For more readable, try the Robert Thurman.

  2. I've read a few versions of the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and I would say go with Graham Coleman. Someone else recommended Thurman's for readability. If you are looking for something much more "poetic" then go with Thurman's version.

    I can't help you with the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

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