
What video game system should I buy?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for:

-video game system for less than $250

-good action packed game like Halo

<3 Halo idk why

-system that continues making video games so I wont be stuck with something playing ol' games.


Also, I have a question about Final Fantasy.

Can you play the game without actually paying? Like Halo. In Halo you dont pay unless you want to play online, so you can still play the full game.

If so, what FF do you recommend?




  1. Atari is good for HALO

  2. Only the Online only FF games (There&#039;s only 1) charge you to play. There&#039;s not much available for the price you want. However, the PS2 isn&#039;t totally dead. There are new games coming out for it still, and even if there weren&#039;t, you&#039;d still have a huge library of games from all genres to play, including many of FF games.

  3. id definately get the xbox 360 before id get the p53 or anything like that. also with the 360 youd get music, vids, pic, messenger, and really good games that are only for the 360 like gears or halo trilogy

  4. Look im not so sure about final fantasy so im just gonna go to the part about which console. Some GREAT consoles are the xbox 360 and the ps3. But if ure on a 250$ budget the wii is really good in terms of being interactive and fun but honestly i dont like anything but the fact that the controller is motion sensitive. So i would tell you either ps2 or wii. But i reccomend ps2 because its liek the ps3 and 360 unlike the wii which is so cartoony its actually virtual. And it makes good games liek rock band guitar hero sports games halo ,COD4,etc. So go for it and well if u dont liek it jsut return it. But first try both consoles at an eb games or future shop or something just to get a basic idea about each one

  5. the only two systems that are retail for less then 250

    are the ds and psp

    ds 180 and psp 160

    both have final fantasy games

    but id recommend the psp versions.

    never played it but my friends have them and they like them.

  6. If i were you, i would buy the Xbox 360 because they just dropped prices for both the 60 and 120 gb

  7. idk maybe a ps2 but its gettin old but has good games, also a wii is great, and you can get a good exercise with it depending on what games you get for it........and FFgames i would recommend FF-XII, it has a c**p load of puzzles and the game is super long so if you like adventurous/action/fantasy games this would be a good game for yah

  8. i think the xbox 360 arcade version is like 250 bucks. or a little less. they just dropped the prices. or save up a little longer to get one with a hardrive for 300 bucks.

  9. Finding a system for under $250 for new gaming is not going to happen.

    ps2 is $199 i believe there still making games  for that till 2010.

    ps3 is over $399 depending on what one you get.

    360 is $350 or so depending on which one you get.

    so those are the options oh yah and the nintendo wii but there is no good action game for that.

  10. xbox 360

  11. what ?

  12. xbox 360 from ebay......get halo 3, and you don pay execpt for online...

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