
What vitamins, herbs,or supplements are good to kill a virus?

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I know that anti biotics will kill a bacterial infection, but, what can one take to kill a viral infection, or, at least lessen the duration of it?




  1. IF its a virus that affects the urinary bladder, Cranberries actually do.  

    Aside from that, vitamins C etc, and some herbs like Echinacea, and Ginger, and Ginseng help to boost your immune system and indirectly help to protect you from viruses

    You can get crystallized ginger cubes at bulk food stores, get a little bit and chew on it like candy.  Echinacea and Ginseng come in supplements.  Echinacea is not something you should take every day of the year though, only when you feel like a cold is coming on.  Ginseng is good for overall health everyday is OK.

  2. Colloidal Silver. 1-3tablespoons per day. Do not use for more than 10 consecutive days, or your skin will go grey! according to the FDA.

  3. Well you wont really kill it off with just herbal supplements, the best you can do with herbal supplements is reduce the viral load, so in essence you are killing it, but not enough to completely kill it. You can take vitamin c, echinacea, licorice root w/glycirrhizzin, olive leaf w/oleuropein, st johns wort, pau d arco, cinnamon, garlic. If you can get your hands on all of those, experiment with your own treatments and varieties, use them for weeks at a time and see how you feel. Dont expect to be "cured" of a virus this way, curing viruses isnt that easy, possible but not easy, look into oxidation therapies if you are serious about killing a virus.

    I forgot to mention colloidal silver, about 30ppm daily should be sufficient, take this for a few months, take several doses a day if you like, start with low doses, make sure colloids are small not big, big silver particles will cause you to turn blue. You can but it or make your own, look into silver ions.

    Also hydrogen peroxide therapy would be very beneficial to you, only use 35% food grade, highly dilute it to around 3%. You cant use 3% you buy at the store, it contains stabilizers and isnt pure so consumption of it should be avoided.

  4. none, really. Viruses are self cant kill 'em. The least you can do is strengthen your immune system and let your body do the work...

  5. How do you know that you are suffering from a virus specificly?  Its very hard to tell.

    Elderberry is supposed to be very good.  As is GSE (grapefruit seed extract) or Oregano Oil.  I've used all three of these when I get a cold and I'm usually better within a couple of days.

    Check with your Dr. before taking these however just to be sure.

  6. A good daily Multi-Vitamin.  Add a B Complex and prevent infections all together.  good luck.

  7. Olive leaf extract is the best natural treatment, and the strongest.  Others are; Oil of Oregano, Garlic fresh or capsules. Cinnamon capsules.  For inflammation, Omega -3 in fish oil and flax seed oil.  Plenty of fresh green leafy veg tables are good to build your emune system.  Good luck.,  Please remember me in picking your best answer, Thank you.

  8. the best way to shorten the duration of a virus is to strengthen the immune system so that it can fight the infection. Don't take an antibiotic, because this only suppresses the virus.

    Two really great products for this are called Engystol & Gripp-Heel they have over 30 years of evidence to prove they work.

    You can get them from Heel Canada, it's a homeopathic remedy.

  9. You can't kill a virus outright like with antibiotics, but you can help your immune system to be strong enough to overcome it.  Vitamin C is your friend for that, so fresh fruits are a good bet.

    Also, you tend to lose a lot of liquid when you're sick, so drink as much as you can -- tea, water, orange juice, soup, etc (but alcohol dehydrates you like crazy so not *that* kind of drinking).

    And lots and lots of rest.

    Hope you feel better!

  10. olive leaf extract, oil of oregano, lemon balm, cat's claw, coconut oil, Pau d'arco tea, grapefruit seed extract.

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