
What vitamins can make my hair grow super fast?

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ok so i heard that biotin or something like that makes hair grow fast.. but i looked for it on the web and it says "vitamin H or D" ...

and I'm kinda confused about that..

ohh and if i take calcium..

can that make my hair grow fast?

& how fast does it grow?

(days?, weeks?, months?)

thank you for your answers.





  1. yeah biotin is amazing. i use it. makes my hair grow like crazy. you will start seeing results in a week.

    cvs or walgreens carry it.

    works wonders. Trust me :)

  2. Vitamins B, C, F, zinc, iron, copper and protein are essential for hair growth. Drinking plenty of water and eating plenty of raw fruits and vegetables is probably the best way to achieving healthy hair.Try http://solutionsforhairgrowth.blogspot.c... for more details.

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