
What vitamis do I lack of for being sleepy at work in the morning & afternoon?

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My routine EVERYDAY is quite normal:

12 midnight:- Sleep

6 a.m.- I wake up, washroom & pray (10 minutes)

Drink water mixed with honey & lemon.

6.45 Arrive at the gym (20 minutes drive)

Work out for 1 hr. Then Drink 2 glases of water. Shower.

8.45:- Arrive at my workplace (10 minutes drive)

Watch newspaper, read & reply emails.

9.30 - 10.30 SLEEPY & have to take take a nap (between 10 min - 1 hour)

12:30pm:- lunch across the road. Eat rice (not much), vegetable & fish. dessert slice of fruit either pineapple/papaya/watermelon

2.00 pm: - Back to office

2.30pm -3.15 pm: SLEEPY AGAIN & take a nap (10 min - 30 min)

5.30pm:- Off the clock & drive back home.

7.00pm:- Dinner, eat noodles or rice.

8.00pm - 12.00 pm:- Either watch TV/read books/play piano/surf websites. (Eat chocolates & snacks too, like doritos etc)

(s*x only once a week Saturday nite or Sunday)




  1. maybe you need your iron checked  do you bruise easy thats a sign of iron being low to  

  2. You need 8 hours of sleep which you are having but at wrong time so try sleeping by 11 pm get up at around 6 or little later. Try to re coup the sleep over the week end also.

    Do not have any thing 2 to 3 hours before going to bed. If you cannot sleep fine stay in bed and take rest and fall asleep.

    You may have iron deficiency get a full blood work done but in the man time take vitamins and mineral for people over 50 it has slightly more thing at a higher potency.

    Can you go to gym in the evening? It may be batter to do that, soon after work, eat unwind and then go to bed.

  3. I would say you need more sleep at night.  Try working up to 7 1/2 or 8 hours of sleep at night.  Try eating protein at breakfast time, it helps with energy level.  Also, you may need to eat more protein at lunch time as well.  Start cutting back on your naps until you can stop taking them, at least the morning one.

    I have had a serious illness and have studied nutrition and sleep information to a great extent for the last few years.  You really should be getting more sleep, at one time, during the night.  It should help with your daytime sleepiness.  Also you may want to get a good Vitamin B Complex.  You could check with your doctor first to make sure there is no reason for you not to take Vitamin B in the morning.

  4. wheres your breakfast?

    and you have a lot of sugars and carbs.

    need more protein like chicken..

    maybe your just lacking sleep.

  5. You need to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep a night! Try to put more protein in your diet, and take a multivitamin in the morning, eat 3 meals and 2 healthy snacks a day, and your nap-times at the office should be gone!  You will probably feel much more energetic and focused. Good Luck!  

  6. take b vitamins such as vitamin b12 and b6 look for it in energy supplements. ginseng will also help

  7. i'm not sure if this helps much, but apples always seem to wake me up.

  8. Maybe you're just lacking sleep? Some people function just fine on six hours of sleep, but maybe you're not one of those people. Try getting nine hours of sleep every night for a week and see if that fixes your problem.

    If you're sure you're lacking some vitamin or mineral, then take a multi-vitamin. I take the Universal Animal Pak multi-vitamins and like them just fine.

  9. Since you seem very tired you should probably take some B12 vitamins to help your energy level. Also try to take a multi vitamin just to get your everyday vitamins. Calcium also gives me energy and is good to take. Vitamin C is good too. B12 will help your energy the most though :]. Garlic can help with cardio if you become out of breath easily.

    Also try to get more sleep. You only get 6 hours. Try to get 8 hours and you will be much more refreshed!!

    good luck!

  10. A HUGE percentage of people who find themselves tired in the early mornings and afternoons are dehydrated. Perhaps drinking more water is the source of your sleepiness. B 12 Vitamins are good for energy, but what use is it if you don't get enough water?

    Seriously, try drinking more water and see how it works for you.

  11. You live on carbs and sugars.  Big CRASH!  


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